Painting Help


Sr Hunter
I need to know how many bottles of US Medium Green I would need to paint a set of FPv3 Fett armour. Any help will be appreciated. Also, I would like to know what the mix ratio should be.

the bottle says 75% paint / 25% thinner
but I just eyeball it
I think 2 bottles should be more than enough
depends on how thick you spray it & how many coats
Really? Two bottles? I was estimating about 5. I've never airbrushed before, so this is my first project using my airbrush and compressor. I will order an extra bottle two bottles, just in case.

Thanks Nathan!
2 - 2.5 bottles for me too...
I agree with S1P... I tend to eye ball the mix rather than follow the instructions...
Look forward to your paint thread Andy ;)
I'll be ordering the paint today :D I can't wait to get started on this. Also, I just realised that this thread is in the wrong section, hah, how noobish of me.

I'll keep posting if I need more painting help! Thanks guys
Hey, where do you guys get this US Medium Green? I haven't seen it anywhere, store or internet, at all. I've found Medium Green, but no US Medium green.
In the Polly Scale line (acrylic), it's color #F505082. The full name of the color on the bottle will say "US Med Green A/N612."
Hi there !!!
I paint everything using my airbrush and a compressor. I highly recommend using alcohol instead of water as thinner if you go for acrylic paints like Tamyia ( I use only those). And don't forget to keep a low pressure because if not you will paint only "air" :lol:. And if your paint is too thick nothing will come out of your airbrush :confused. On the other hand, if you put too much alcohol you can have some "stains" on your helmet once the paint is fully dried. Well it's a bit tricky to use a airbrush but once you are used to it your paintjob is just awesome 8).
I hope this helps you ;).
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