Origin of The Dent!

I got some semi-reliable news about the live action SW TV series now coming from theforce.net by way of AICN...

TFN story

Daniel Logan will get to be Fett...if he's lucky.

Look away now if you do not want to be SPOILED!

I said look away...

You'll SPOIL your dinner...

Still curious?....

OK, here we go: (remembering that the series will be set between Episodes III and IV)

1. Pod Races will be revisited as the series will try to take in and revisit a lot in the SW universe we have come to know and love through the movies.

2. One of the Pod Racers highlighted will be a character named Thall Joben, who you may, or may not, remember from the Droids animated series.

3. We will see Rebel bases, Star Destroyers, Imperial troops, officers, undercover operatives and much more...

4. Expect to see some EU tie-ins (horray!) An example being a Rebel General with the last name Durron. Could this be the father or family member of the future Kessel slave turned Jedi, Kyp Durron?

5. We will see a character named General Papanoida who could be the very same character that George Lucas played during the Opera House scenes in Revenge of the Sith, Barron Papanoida.

6. We will see some characters from the films such as Bib Fortuna and Oola, the poor, rancor eaten, beautiful dancing Twi'lek.

7. The Death Star plans should come into play.

8. The series will go into detail with the characters and what makes them tick. Not everyone is either good or bad.

9. Look for the tone to be that of the Original Trilogy but a bit edgier.

Well, I'm exhausted. Hopefully this brings some great discussion and speculation to tide us over for a while.

Thanks to Nathan T., Ryan P. and "Infra Man" for the heads up.

UPDATE: Two more bits of juicy information not seen in the Aintitcool.com report from a very reliable, yet anonymous, source:

- They're casting for Boba Fett

- Most of the casting going on is for young actors and actresseswith the exception of a couple of middle aged actors

UPDATE #2: Not quite as exciting as the rumors above, but good to hear none the less. George Lucas himself confirmed to the Los Angeles Times that work on the live action series has gotten underway. Click here to check out the article.

Thanks to Tom D. and Richard J. for the heads up.
Boba isn't the only one with a dent!

You'd think if he took his father's helmet, he would have at least painted the dent with the rest of it. Nevermind filling it in though, he went to far as to airbrush some burned edges around it! I guess Boba's all image...
I assume he did repaint the helmet to a nice pristine, factory fresh finish. I assume all the dirt, dings, scratches, etc. were hazards of the job. It just got beat up through years of use.
Armor is really for glancing blows.A 90 degree impact allows the projectile to release all of its energy. If the projectiles are solid like a bullet them they have weight, that weight is transfered to the target. If the projectile is Energy/charged particals is would not have weight..as we understand it. so Any impact would not produce recoil.and no neck brakeage. if hit at 90 degrees to the armor then the energy would be focused on that spot and burn through. It is my understanding that St armor acts like a big energy heat sinc, absorbing and dispersing it.Unlike conventional armor intended at stopping hard solid projectiles. This said the impact to Bobas helmet being on the upper radious of his was a deflection hit, and did not,or was not able to penatrate.
you guys gotta understand something about laser blasts and storm trooper armor; they go together like a bullet and a kevlar vest. If a bullet hits you while wearing a kevlar vest you still get the wind knocked out of you from the force of the impact, and Just because the troopers are getting hit doesn't mean they are being killed they're probably all just very stund
(keep in mind laser blasts are way faster than bullets). and as far as STAR WARS not being reall.......................................................you break my heart.:love

It all makes sense now...stormtrooper armor was meant to deflect bullets!!!! Things like rocks and spears more or less bounced off the armor, but caused enough force to kill them lol!

As for his dent, I am still with the one on fighting vader, deflecting a shot and taking one to the dome! Because Jango's helmet is different in many ways, plus the dent isn't the same between the 2. Nuff said. Boba should of upgraded to Fiberglass.
Just MHO but Boba Fett's "dent" may not be a dent. It may be a gouge in the helmet material. Using a picture from Bobamakers site (thanks) you can clearly see the sharp outer edges, as well as ridges leading to the center, this is indicative of a gouge:

A dent doesn't produce edges like that. A dent produces rounded edges and generally does not cause "sharp" lines inside the crater. See knee and chest armor dents for comparison;

I surmise that the helmet is a composite style, like current military helmets, and the damage is from a projectile/object striking the surface and removing material rather than a dent caused by absorbing impact.

The only other option would be a strike with a blunt object such as a spear, lance or object with a faceted edge. That would be the only way to get the pattern shown. This would rule out any energy/projectile weapon and leave it to a club/hand held weapon. However, the outer edge is still too sharp as that type of strike would still produce a rounded outer edge and Fett's edge is still quite "sharp".
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Yeah, I always thought it looked more like an impact crater than a dent/melt/blast.
There are slugthrowers out there.
Maybe someone (however unlikely) got the drop on our intrepid hero and shot him in the face (a perennial sneaky guy trick). Given the location, the blow prolly spun his head around...painful, yes, but not fatal, or likely even incapacitating. Fett then most likely disintigrated the perpetrator (remember, Vader wasn't talking for the sound of his own voice).
sorry guys this is going to be a long post, but this is what happened to Jango's armour

From: Boba Fett
Book 1
The Fight to Survive
by Terry Bisson

The scoop made its dump and headed back into the stalagmite city,
through an underground passage. Boba dragged his father's body off the
scrap pile and onto the rocky mesa.
The mesa seemed a better resting place. More peaceful, and certainly
more beautiful.
Boba removed his father's battle armor and set it aside. He took one
last look at the strong arms and legs that had protected him. Then, using a
broken droid arm for a shovel, Boba buried his father in a sandy grave
overlooking the desert.
The broken droid arm made a "J," and Boba found another that he bent
to make an "F." He arranged them on top of the grave.
Jango Fett. Gone but not forgotten.
Boba suddenly felt very tired. He sat down beside his father's battle
armor. He wished he had something to eat.
He shivered. The wind off the desert was cold.
Boba leaned back against the helmet and looked up at the great orange
rings that encircled the planet. It was if they were holding it in theirarms. It was a peaceful sight....
Boba slept peacefully all that night. His dreams (and he forgot them)
were of the mother he had never had, and the father he had been lucky
enough to have. He awoke in the morning, rested and surprisingly
comfortable. Then he saw that a furry sand snake had wrapped itself around
him as he slept, keeping him warm.
Startled, Boba jumped to his feet. The sand snake yelped in alarm and
slithered away in a panic.
The same one? Boba wondered.
It didn't matter. What mattered was that his job was done, for now.
His father was buried. The little grave with the JF on it was proof of
Looking at it, Boba realized how much he was going to miss the father
who had protected him, guided him, watched over him - and loved him. Now he
was alone, all alone.
And for the first time, and for a long time, he wept.
It was time to think clearly, time to make plans. Time to swing intoaction.
First things first, Jango Fett always said.
First was taking care of the Mandalorian battle armor: the suit, the
helmet, the jet-pack, and all the weaponry. It will be yours someday, his
father had said.
But for now, Boba was too small to wear it or even carry it around. So
he cleaned it, then hid it in a small cave under a cliff. He would reclaim
it later.
Second was the black book his father had left him; or rather, the
message unit that was not-a, book.
It will tell you what you need to know.
Boba had to get back into the apartment to get it. That presented a
problem, given the chaos created by the battle that had spread from the
arena. He had been confined to quarters by his father, which meant that his
retinal print might not open the door.
Boba got the battle helmet out of the cave to bring with him, just in
case. Since Jango almost always wore it, it would contain unlocking codes.The next problem was getting into the stalagmite city. I can do it, he
thought, hearing the crash of broken droid parts being dumped below the
mesa.First load of the morning.
So far so good, thought Boba as he rode the scoop through the
underground passage. Dad would be proud.
He felt a sad thought approaching but he waved it away. There would be
time for all that later. For now, the best way to honor his father was to
learn and live by Jango Fett's code.
That would take some doing, but it would be worth it. It had been
Jango's plan for his son. Now it was Boba's plan for himself.
Carrying the battle helmet, Boba ran up the long stairs toward the
apartment. He passed only two or three Geonosians, and they hardly noticed
Just my two cents on this matter.
But, the beastie bowling Jango over in the arena was DEFINATELY intended as an explaination for Boba's dent. There was no need for the detail to be so developed in that shot otherwise.

As many others have stated, the EU stuff does get trumped by any film stuff... hence many other explainations.

And, as far as screen accurate details go... Anakin's lightsaber in EpIII does not look exactly like the one passed on to Luke in EpIV.. nor does the SAME lightsaber look exactly like the one in EpV.

So Jango's Helmet is made to look just like Boba's because it's the same helmet. The screen details might not be exact from EpII to EpV (discounting the SE version) but George's intention is pretty clear.
if they can't even put the right boba fett in the special edition i don't think you can count on continuity between prequels and the OT
Again folks... you can't justify the exact details... just like many other attempts at continuity between any of the movies (forget from prequels to original trilogy... even from one original trilogy movie to the next!)
It's like saying "Han Solo's hair was not that long when he went into the carbonite.... how come it's covering his ears more in ROTJ?"

George Lucas very obviously intended the dent created in EpII to be an indication that this helmet was passed on to Boba... otherwise there would not have been that much attention payed to the detail in the movie.
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