Hobbits ESB Bobamaker Paint Up!! :D

Was just about to PM you before I saw the more recent pics - The Fett paint gods were indeed kind to you overnight bud, because the colour looks great, and the back panels in general look fantastic! after all the colour issues, im so glad they worked out for you - I think they look terriffic! The masking fluid may give you a few spots where it likes to remain on there until you find the little suckers - The next time you work on your lid, head out into the sunlight so you can easily see the areas better, lift them a tad with a tootpick etc, then rolll your finger over them - every so often, i find a spot or two ive missed even a few weeks after if its well hidden. Congrats on the results so far brother! :)
Wow! I really like the 'new' base color, and as Jayvee said, the general look is awesome so far. It seems that your signature is becoming more and more a true statement and you should erase the 'sort of' part. You really deserve those beers and the hang out with the boys! Keep up the great work and never lose the trust in your abilities!
Looking great! Remember my colour list is just how I see these colours and really meant as a starting point. All credit to you for adjusting what I recommended for that green because I think what you've done looks better...:thumbsup:

I think I may have to adjust my colour list slightly after seeing this...
For easier masking fluid removal, you could try one of these:


It's sometimes called a rubber cement eraser, or a rubber cement pickup. Much easier than
picking at the dried fluid with a needle or X-acto blade and then peeling it by hand.
It's basically just a chunk of natural rubber that you rub over the dried fluid and it sticks
like a magnet.
Just a suggestion. :)
Thanks again guys! Hey TF, I don't know about that, I think the colour you got was nicer... I just couldn't get near it. No idea why, I really got lucky with the colour I got. Thanks SuperJedi, that looks like a great product, dont suppose you where to get it?
In the states we have art supply stores like Michael's and Hobby Lobby.
Not sure what the equivalent would be in your part of the world, but any kind of art
store with a decent selection should have something like it.
I just use a cloth to buff the paint. Seems to pick up the masking fluid in most cases. With the tougher ones, I use a needle to pick a little section of it, then buff with the cloth again. Worked for me...
Great work Hobbit! I read through your armor build and I was blown away with your work. And you got the same great work going on the helmet. I am new to all this, but you have really inspired me to start my own Boba project. Any suggestions on getting started?

Great work Hobbit! I read through your armor build and I was blown away with your work. And you got the same great work going on the helmet. I am new to all this, but you have really inspired me to start my own Boba project. Any suggestions on getting started?


Thank you Craig, that's the best compliment you can get I think! Truly humbling to inspire someone... It definitely sweetens the whole experience! :) Also, I left a comment on your thread my friend... :)
Hello my favorite peeps! :) Quick update....I have layed down the silver Humbrol (11), and on to the masking...
Now this took me ages! No kidding, the positioning was a nightmare! It took ages to mask, but I am very happy so far! Got to admit this part of the helmet is soo much more exciting... than the back panels!(there I said it!) Especially doing the cat scratch and doing the dent. I have just put down the dark grey coat Humbrol (79).
I will post a few more pics later. Please let me know if anything is a miss, or if something is completely wrong. Thanks for looking and have a great day! :)



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Looking good so far brother! Its always hard to completely tell the detail under the masking fluid, so will have a much better idea after the next layers, but from here its looking really sharp, and all the sizing looks excellent! Great work as always my good man :-)
Excellent Dave, that dome and all the damage is looking spot on! Once you get the green on and the killstripes, it starts to really come together, and you start to see light at the end of the tunnel - so keep up this form my friend, and you are gonna have a beautiful looking lid on your hands! Keep up the great work big man! :)
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