Got my mystery helmet today! (pic)


Active Hunter
And i love it!! The proportions are dead on. I'm convinced that it was casted off an original ROTJ helmet at Don Post like the rumor says. It has some small things about it just like the original, the dent seems dead on for example and. The casting on the helmet is very crisp and do not need much work at all before painting it. Just cut out the Visor area, sand away the seam and trim the edges at the bottom. 1 hour work maximum! The resin pieces were also very crisp and totally free from bubbles. It's perfect for making any type of helmet, but i think it's best suitable for either a Pre-Pro or Rotj version. Hats of to you Sarge for a kick-ass bucket! I love it and strongly recommend this to everyone:)
It's gonna be a awesome Pre-pro!


Man, I am drooling!!! :eek:
I am waiting for mine to arrive in the mail!!!

Hint...Hint!!! Sgt. ;)
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micke wrote:

And i love it!! The proportions are dead on. I'm convinced that it was casted off an original ROTJ helmet at Don Post like the rumor says. It has some small things about it just like the original, the dent seems dead on for example and. The casting on the helmet is very crisp and do not need much work at all before painting it. Just cut out the Visor area, sand away the seam and trim the edges at the bottom. 1 hour work maximum! The resin pieces were also very crisp and totally free from bubbles. It's perfect for making any type of helmet, but i think it's best suitable for either a Pre-Pro or Rotj version. Hats of to you Sarge for a kick-ass bucket! I love it and strongly recommend this to everyone:)
It's gonna be a awesome Pre-pro!




but is it me or your bucket..but the two "triangle" on the forehead are not in line....... =x
The crooked arrows are a feature found on the Don Post deluxe helmets. The original helmets do not have crooked arrows.

Yes, I do believe the MH is a very early Don Post Deluxe prototype-- cast from a real helmet with some modifications being made to it. However, it has not had the extensive modifications that are seen in the final DP Deluxe.
Whoa! Nice!

I assumed the Mystery Helmet was going to have less flare than the Movie Sized Helmet... but they look almost the same exact size in that photo.

Kda-Ledét wrote:

Whoa! Nice!
I assumed the Mystery Helmet was going to have less flare than the Movie Sized Helmet... but they look almost the same exact size in that photo.

Yes, they are close in size, not exact, but close.

The answer lies in this thread:

But . . . to save you scrolling, here's what the original Mystery Helmet owner, Sgt Fang had to say:

Roughly 3 years ago, I bought a rough, primered, fiberglass Fett casting off eBay from a "KBoyette". At the time, the price was right, I knew I could make it nice, and it looked good.
I just took for granted that it was probably a DP Deluxe recast, but as I set about cleaning it up, and started having to really look at the details to repair them right, I started noticing more and more discrepancies-
The DP visor was shortened by roughly a 1/2" on either side; Mine went all the way back.

The DP's had pre-done battle damage- scratches, bumps etc. Mine, while rough, had no real pattern to it's texture, and was more indicative to me of a well used mold that's surface was nearly worn out, rather than deliberate damage.
Also, it was noticeably larger than any of the other Fetts I'd seen.

Finally, around January or February last year, something in me ganged up and said "ASK AROUND about this thing", so I posted a thread on the RPF called "Sarge's "Mystery Helmet", asking people what they thought it was. After a week or so of debating, someone, who's probably forgotten more about SW armor than I'll ever know, posted that he knew what it was, and that my original was one of 10 bootleg copies that were made by Don Post employees while they had an original film used helmet in their possesion for laser scanning. This was for the development of the DP Deluxe Boba.
I was amazed to hear this, and of course patted myself on the back for having a good eye.- When I bid on the auction, I had no idea what it was, I just remember looking at the pics and thinking "Yeah, I like the proportions on this one- it LOOKS like Boba!"

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Lynn and Ego-

Thanks for playing press agent for me! :p I've been in and out of here all weekend, and just had time to really sit down to read and reply to things!

On the triangles-

The original fiberglass one I got was even worse. Whoever ran the mold, split it down the center of the face, and evidently didn't put in enough registration keys, so that it would line up perfectly every time. I tried to cheat it back to being perfectly in line, with a jeweler's file, but it got to the point where if I went any further, the triangles themselves would have been asymetrical (bringing the top of one up and the bottom of the other down), so I ended up just splitting the difference.

Jaster Mereel wrote:

I would love to get a bucket like that -

This brings me to something I've been meaning to address for a few weeks. How much demand is there still for these kits? The original molds are starting to show some wear, and making a new one, for the main body, is a pretty fair undertaking. The current mold is still producing pretty good ones, but I have to "baby" it a little. I've noticed the rubber's getting a little brittle, the seam edges are starting to show more little 'boogers' than I like, and parts of the surface are trying to pull away from the jacket.

If there's still enough serious interest (8 or so people), I can get started on a new mold in 2-3 weeks, but I'll need a definate committment before I tie up the materials.

Thanks for the kind words folks, and I'm glad everyone's pleased with theirs so far! :D


[EDIT] syntax error :p
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