First Boba Fett Helmet


New Hunter
Hello! I am building a cardboard helmet. There is going to be two layers with the first being a thicker layer of cardboard and the second a thinner more bendable layer. I was wondering if the internal layer could be a piece of standard corrugated cardboard? I heard that you shouldn't use that kind of cardboard but that's what I have. One more thing, when the dome is complete is it wobbly or pretty strong? I was thinking of replacing the cardboard dome support with a thin plywood dome support. Your thoughts?
If you want to bend the cardboard you can use a spray bottle/mist to dampen it. You can bend it while it's damp and when it dries it will stay put. Corrugated cardboard wont bend evenly and you will probably be unhappy with the results. Try a hobby or craft store for chip board or frame matting material.

The dome supports are good for helping you get the right shape, but most of the support will come from the sections being glued together. You can also layer some polyester resin and fiberglass cloth or mat on the inside for extra strength.
No, the extent of my Fett sharing has pretty much been here. If you have any specific questions that you don't feel like posting in the thread/forum feel free to pm me. If I don't know the answer I may be able to point you to somebody who does.

There are some really good instructable type threads that are linked in the scratch building sticky here.

Rafalfett's templates are my personal favorite (for size and shape), but the Antman tutorial using wizardoflight's templates are more geared for someone just starting out. You can pretty much use the same techniques on either templates since they follow similar build patterns.
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