SWG names

LOL I didn't know anyone still played that game! I quit almost 2 years ago, but was on the Ahazi server. I still miss the pre-NGE days of that game. It was my favourite MMO. I'm playing LOTRO now.
i used to play on ahazi too, off and on, but i too quit when nge came out, dec 05. now i'm playing CoH/V
I still have an active account with SoE (The Devil!), but because I have a satalight conection, I'm not able to do much with it. Because of the satalight lag all I can basicaly do is log on and make sure my stuff hasn't disappeared yet :lol:. But I'm still sitting around on Nabbo on the Tarq server, which is as dead as a jabba henchman in the sarlac.

Have a good one,
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You know, I've always wanted to play SWG. People tell me ever since they "changed" something it was never the same. I don't know anything about the game. My problem is, I play WoW. lol. Is SWG worth playin? Can I look like a mando? :D

Yes you can get mando armor if your the commando or BH class. The problem is you have to first get the Skems to make the armor then get the right proffesions into the Death Watch Bunker to make said armor. So basicaly it's next to impossible now adays since the player base is so low and spread across so many servers. I keep my account active just for nostalgia reason, and will forever Hate SoE for ruining a SW game.

Have a good one,
You know, I've always wanted to play SWG. People tell me ever since they "changed" something it was never the same. I don't know anything about the game. My problem is, I play WoW. lol. Is SWG worth playin? Can I look like a mando? :D

SWG beats the hell out of other MMORPGs. You will LOVE IT!:lol:
SWG beats the hell out of other MMORPGs. You will LOVE IT!:lol:
it used to. now i'd say go play city of heroes/villains. they havn't screwed that game up twice in six months. ncsoft also adds new content to the game pretty regularly, instead of how SOE adds content by returning old features of the game and saying it's new.
I play LOTRO my guy is Lerodir on Firefoot... i might stop playing though and switch to COH/V... Has SWG switched back yet? i played SWG and got JEDI the old fasion way, two days before the CU upgrade... I wished death upon all of SOE. I'd play again if they went back
i used to have a smuggler on corbantis... i play CoH/V when my PC works... i'd be playing now.. but we HAD to get a mac because it was SO MUCH BETTER... >.< should make these games so they run on a mac...
Yes you can get mando armor if your the commando or BH class. The problem is you have to first get the Skems to make the armor then get the right proffesions into the Death Watch Bunker to make said armor. So basicaly it's next to impossible now adays since the player base is so low and spread across so many servers. I keep my account active just for nostalgia reason, and will forever Hate SoE for ruining a SW game.

Have a good one,

actually, now the only class that can't wear mando is Jedi. But it's still almost impossible to get due to extremely rare/hard to find components and the near extinction of qualified armor makers and lack og people willing to group to get said maker to said area for long enough to make said armor.
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