rotj or se rotj


Active Hunter
I was wondering what you guys think. What do you guys like more. My fav movie is rotj. I like the colors of the jet pack and gauntlets better then esb. I never really noticed the difference of the se boba. Do you like the original better or se? I'm hopping to start my suit early next year. Just trying to get an idea of which way to go. I'm thinking original rotj. Is the esb helmet everyone's fav? Just a thought.:confused
heh... time for this one again. :)

i'd say just look at the show off your X suit threads that are going on right now... you'll see what folks like best.
987654321a is crazy, don't listen to him. We all know ESB is the only logical choice in this matter. Right guys? hahaha. I'm just playing! 987654321a is totally right, when it comes down to it, it's what YOU want :) What do you think looks best?


as far as the se rotj is concerned, never liked it. and what's really an se rotf fett? the se shows both the esb helmet on a rotj costume in the added scenes and the correct rotj fett. to me lucas messed it up, and i wouldn't wear an se. you could even build a 3rd se rotj fett, cause lucas simply flipped the image on the correct rotj costume in one scene, where all of a sudden the rangefinder is on the wrong side, etc...
there's a nasty rumor going around that rotj's kick puppies. that's just not true. my name is saint nasty, i have a full rotj costume, and i've never kicked a puppy.
I am a purist by nature, so the SE would not even be considered. I personally prefer the ROTJ look , but each version has its PRO's. I'd say the ESB helmet paint scheme would get the nod. That "Cat scratch" is awesome. But, the ROTJ Gauntlets, JetPack and Blaster are cooler.... Im my opinion of course.

Either way, it's your choice. Keep in mind, the vast majority of people you will meet will not have a clue that there's even a difference in versions. I've even had tons of people think my ROTJ Fett is a Jango, just b/c they don't know better....
I'm a ROTJ-SE guy myself. Love the gauntlets and jet pack of the ROTJ costume, and the look of the ESB helmet.

Also, I hear Saint Nasty kicks puppies.

Purest here also. If you like ROTJ do pure ROTJ. If you actually liked the blaspheming Special Edition movies then represent. :P

Not to mention there just arent many pure ROTJs out there
I know that the SE isn't the favorite of some folks on here or of Star Wars fans in general. I myself don't like what Lucas did to the movies as a whole (there are some addtitions that are ok).

BUT...I do like the look of the RotJ SE Fett because of many of the reasons already mentioned: RotJ suit, jet pack, gauntlets and let's not forget the armor. I like the RotJ armor more overall (I do like the ESB shoulders better though). And, of course, the ESB bucket is just way cooler IMO.

That being said, if I had it to do over again (and maybe someday I will), I'd go straight up ESB. I think the purity would win out for me in the end.
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