Pre Pro 3

I'm really not sure what PP3 is, but PP2 is the one you're thinking of I believe. The one on the toy package is PP2, and has those gauntlets, but rotj jet pack, rotj cape, esb braids, different colored jumpsuit, tighter fit, and the helmet is different from both movie versions, but more like the rotj.
We have extremely limited ref of the PP3... the only real images coming from Chronicles. Here are a few to get you started.

So how did they go from red and yellow gauntlets to just green? Same with the jet pack - the PP pack looks like the ROTJ pack, and the ESB again...just mainly green.

I'm not a boba don't be too harsh on me... ;)
My guess...they didn't want him walking around looking like Bozo the Fett.

They probably saw green as the main color and said, "well instead of mismatched gauntlets and a colorful jet pack, let's stick with green!"

Most of the stuff on him looks very ESB. Minus the gauntlets, cape and jet pack.

Oh, if you are doing this Sixx, be sure to get the accurate yellow tape on the right gauntlet!
My guess...they didn't want him walking around looking like Bozo the Fett.

They probably saw green as the main color and said, "well instead of mismatched gauntlets and a colorful jet pack, let's stick with green!"

Most of the stuff on him looks very ESB. Minus the gauntlets, cape and jet pack.

I think you are probably hitting pretty close to the truth. I think the all green look was a last minute decision. I base this on the jet pack more than anything else. All the prepro work shows the RotJ pack with heavy and very complex weathering... The final esb pack? Pretty much one color with very quick and dirty weathering that isn't detailed at all. Looks like a rush job at the last minute because someone changed their mind.
I think I mount mine almost that high. I thought it was accurate that height, the missile over the helmet a little bit if I recall right. Maybe I don't have mine that high.
Even dow the jet packs sags on the movies, i think none of us would like ours to be sagging. It's just looks to sloopy for my taste.

I know were talking about Boba, but I like mine nice and high.;)

There have been so many people to don the suit that the pack is all over the place. You can pretty much put it whereever you want but I agree that high and tight looks best.
Cool Andy!

And i'd like to thank everyone who has added info... big thx to Brak's, I saw the pics off my V.1 ref disc. and thought wow, not many ppl talking about this one, maybe i'll do it!
Cool Andy!

And i'd like to thank everyone who has added info... big thx to Brak's, I saw the pics off my V.1 ref disc. and thought wow, not many ppl talking about this one, maybe i'll do it!
I have a nice collection of pictures at home, PM me your e-mail and I'll send them to you as soon as I get home from school.

This version but with the 'eyes' lid is my fav version. I am so tempted to change my SE now :facepalm

I know its the picture quality is strange, but i kinda like the way the lid and armour have a blue hue to them,

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