Moving on with my sleeve work... YAY~!!!!


Active Hunter
So I finally got in to see this guy at Black Anchor Collective in Hesperia :D
And started to finally work on the rest of my sleeve, long time coming!!!
This is gonna have to be a 3 part sitting according to Nikko.
The Man ...and he is the man, he is truly and artist!!!
Part 1 about done with whats left to do(stenciled)....then we still have to design the rest!
I hope (fingers crossed) to get back in when he gets back from Australia.

nikko on part 1.jpg

stage 1 of 3.jpg
JEALOUS! I wanna get some more work on my right side done...mando skull is done on there but can only do so much more without the military getting mad
So the 17th appt was cancelled.
But ...he rescheduled for yesterday So heres the only pic I have atm. Its off Nikko's instagram.
I didn't get any pics while he was working yesterday.
Once its not so swollen I'll take some more and post.
One more sitting to go, gonna try to shoot for May he really wants to finish this as much as I do.
He did some crazy detail in there...I'm just speechless!
Wow! nice detail indeed... that's gonna be some sweet ink once finished hun... :thumbsup:
Makes me wanna go get more done.
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That is one sick tattoo! I know how hard is to do some realistic drawing on paper, and much more on the skin (I did tattoos many years ago). Can't wait to see it done! You're so lucky!
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