LOOKING for TLobe00

Hey Mullreel- Just found Tony's email in my PP account next to the paid invoice. Email sent and waiting for a status update.
Hey guys- Wanted some thoughts/opinions on how to handle this situation. I have been unsuccessful at reaching TLobe00 and have been trying to do so since Dec 19th in which he explained that he would have my girth belt out to me within the week. What concerns me is that Tony has indeed taken my $170 payment. Id appreciate any feedback from members and hopefully ...I'll get this resolved in a sane and timely manner.
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Hey guys- Just a quick update. I have sent Tony several messages via PM, email as well as FB. It is evident that he has been active on his FB account (Mar 3)only to completely ignore my attempts at reaching him. I do not enjoy labeling someone a thief or as being dishonest however, TLobe00's actions have left me no choice in judging his character. I do hope this member does surface very soon in order to save face to other board members as well as remedy this situation.
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Alright guys- It appears that TLobe00..Tony is indeed a THIEF. Quite frankly for someone to visit this site (yesterday 2:36 PM) and simply snub and ignore my attempts at contacting him is absolutely cowardice. This is my 3rd year on this wonderful board and up until this point I have had 0 issues with anyone. Well now, TLobe00...I have an issue with you. I have an issue with the $170 that you have stolen from me....and this will not go unnoticed buddy.:thumbsup:
I'm sorry you're having trouble. My dealings with him were great. Great product. It took a few months from what I recall but only a few. I'm sure he'll come through.

Yes...thanks guys. All Tony had to do was simply keep in contact? Keep me up to date.The last thing i wanna do is fry someones reputation.
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Tony- Sooner or later your gonna have to address this situation. Either send me the belt, or refund my money. Its not too late to save your reputation on this board. So far there are a few hundred members that know you are not only avoiding me, but that you have also had my money since November 14th. Lets handle this.
Wow. This surprises me. Ive met Tony and he even gave up his personal time to come as Jango to my kid's birthday party. Is it possible that he has real life issues, medical problems etc? I hate anyone on here (as long as I've been around) to be branded as "thief" if there could be some acceptable excuse. I hope you guys get this worked out......
Me too butterbean. Believe me..as i said before, the last thing i wanna do is fry someones credibility. I am sympathetic to life situations/crisis etc. i was truly hoping to facilitate some type of response privatley (thru pm) at this point, discuss the matter, remedy the situation and move forward. I tried numerous times to contact thru email and PM. On Nov 14 Tony explained he liked to get the belts out within 2 weeks of payment. Around Dec 2, Tony explained he would have it to me shortly after the Holiday. I did wait many weeks even after that until i attempted to contact him as to not be that "impatient member" banging down the artists door. I too hope he addresses this issue shortly as it is nearing the 5 month mark. Any help is welcome.
This was the last conversation which took place Dec 19th:

"Hey Tony- just checking on my belt...hope all is well.

"Hey there, sorry for the delay... I will have it out to you this weekend... of course with the holiday next week, you should have it hopefully next week then.

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