Greatest Sleeping Bag Ever!!!!

Yeah, that's a great sleeping bag, but I think its an April Fool's day special, just like ThinkGeek's new "squeeze bacon". :p

EDIT: Just read the notification on the link, looks like it might be reality after all!
not real... click on the buy button and it will tell you that you have been had by the April Fool's over at ;)

The real question here is.....Did you already give your bed away/toss it to the curb in anticipation of receiving yours? :lol:p;)
Haha! Too bad it isn't real. The site says that they are going to try to "bring it to life" after an overwhelming number of emails came in. You can sign up to get an email notification if they get permission from Lucasfilm.
It's only a joke until enough people start actually trying to get these, then they'll probably cash in and start making them.
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