ESB HERO copy????

Nice work!

We did snap a few photos, but the vast majority of the time that we were there, the helmet was in silicone... and LFL had us on a very tight deadline, so I didn't get nearly as much as I had hoped to get.

Art, I want to thank you for providing (involuntarily?) the first shot of the ESB dome top area, which helped me to compare my stencil with the original helmet, so here is the result:

View attachment 70356

The top images were used to create the dome top scratch with lots of stretching and resizing and the end result is pretty good.

I just hope that you were allowed to photo shoot the ESB helmet, the same way you did with the MR Proto and the GMH (but especially the MR Proto where you had the top and bottom shots too).
We will certainly be working with eFX to ensure that TDH members have an opportunity to get one of these... remember, the Vader sold out in 4 minutes... we don't want that to happen to you guys.

Also, I dont' want to take credit where credit isn't due. I didn't make this possible. eFX did that. I just got to come along for the epic ride!

Quoted, bolded and underlined for posterity.
I wouldn't put a tremendous amount of stock into what Cal is posting. He has spread a lot of misinformation about this project due to being upset about us deleting a sales thread of his on the RPF because he couldn't follow the rules, so in childish retaliation he is making a number of assumptions and bold statements based on resentment and speculation. How petty is that?

In all fairness (because Cal has probably not seen this yet and has not had a chance to defend his statements) I'm going to have to chime in here and state that I'm pretty sure that's not true Art. You yourself are speculating as to why he made those statements...they were observations he made based on past experiences and what we all saw in the video of (what I'm assuming was) the entire process.
I'm not here to start an argument with you on this, but I think we should let Cal answer that question as to his motivation for stating what he did. I'd like to think I know him personally much better than anyone here, and I know he did not say what he said out of petty spite or retaliation. If we were in a court room, your statement would be dismissed as pure speculation
In all fairness (because Cal has probably not seen this yet and has not had a chance to defend his statements) I'm going to have to chime in here and state that I'm pretty sure that's not true Art. You yourself are speculating as to why he made those statements...they were observations he made based on past experiences and what we all saw in the video of (what I'm assuming was) the entire process.
I'm not here to start an argument with you on this, but I think we should let Cal answer that question as to his motivation for stating what he did. I'd like to think I know him personally much better than anyone here, and I know he did not say what he said out of petty spite or retaliation. If we were in a court room, your statement would be dismissed as pure speculation

We filmed over 40 hours of footage while casting the helmet. Bryan asked me for 90 seconds. 40 hours... 90 seconds...

Cal and I have never had a run in... then, we have had two in the last 3 days followed immediately by his scathing, yet, largely ill-informed speculatory rant that 1) was pointless as the deed has already been done, without the helmet being damaged in any way and the masters coming from the mold being absolute perfection and 2) only created to stir the pot with other malcontents. Notice he posted on his facebook pages and on the BHG... where he knows we don't go...

His posting was nothing BUT petty childishness. I have little interest in his defense of trying to shame eFX by fearmongering about "what might have been."
We all know there are fans that want want want for lineage and accuracy and a direct casting. Im not one of those. Thats their choice. Sure I like accuracy, who the hell doesn't. But do I want a priceless (to me and some others), mysterious helmet and actual prop from the movies I've preferred to give me hard earned money to people who create on the board. That's my choice. Your little convo in that post doesn't apply to me. If this was an end goal for you and some others then thats fine..awesome. Everyone has dreams and goals. I've simply stated my opinion in this thread that I would've preferred it remain in its status. That is all.
We all know there are fans that want want want for lineage and accuracy and a direct casting. Im not one of those. Thats their choice. Sure I like accuracy, who the hell doesn't. But do I want a priceless (to me and some others), mysterious helmet and actual prop from the movies I've preferred to give me hard earned money to people who create on the board. That's my choice. Your little convo in that post doesn't apply to me. If this was an end goal for you and some others then thats fine..awesome. Everyone has dreams and goals. I've simply stated my opinion in this thread that I would've preferred it remain in its status. That is all.

If you prefer fan sculpts to pieces with lineage, there is nothing wrong with that. I know people who don't want to buy anything from anyone, but prefer to create everything on their own because they take a lot of pride in doing it themselves. Again, nothing wrong with that as it helps develop skills and hones existing talents. My comments weren't meant to be a dig, simply pointing out the genuine confusion in what I see some people posting, including you.
So it was confusing I stated I would have loved to see the helmet not casted anymore and remain somewhat mysterious? Or better yet still in some glass on display?

- - - Updated - - -

Taking this to PM's
Last edited by a moderator:
So because I have spent the better part of my life studying Boba Fett and painting tons of helmets I feel as though I'm qualified to post here.

Okay that is complete sarcasm but since I had the opportunity to see the helmet at SDCC and talk to Gino I would like to add my two cents in.

First, I should say having met Gino I know for a fact that he is not the brash person that he may come off as online. (Or even you Art for that matter!) You have to understand that he was presented the opportunity to cast a helmet many felt would never be recast. What would you do in that situation? No. I don't want to hold this helmet that has been so long studied. No I don't want to offer this to other Boba Fett fans? Gino is a fanboy just like the rest of us. Sure is it going to be ultimately cast for a profit... Of course. But that was not his first concern or thought.

Reading all the arguments and concerns it just seems like to me it comes down to buy it if you want to or don't. I'm convinced after conversations with Gino that he took every measure necessary to preserve the helmet and maintain not only the integrity of helmets to be reproduced but also the one he casted from. I wish y'all could see the expression and excitement on his face as he described all the details of the helmet. Finding out the true color of the visor. How many parts the rangefinder breaks down into. It makes me happy to see people who are still passionate about this project and hobby despite all the scrutiny and discouragement. I am looking forward to this helmet and will happily display or use it.

Yes there are a lot of questions left but reading through a lot of responses isn't that what drew everyone here to Boba Fett originally?
Everything LF said was correct except for one thing.
Don't listen to her about me not being brash, (I have a rep to protect you know). ;)

Am I allowed to defend myself against your accusations and name calling? If I try, can I trust that you won't just delete my post?

I am not an active poster on these forums anymore yet you chose to defame me here, where I can't readily defend myself.

My guess is you are just very defensive given all of your years dealing with people on these forums and that is understandable. I have seen a lot of people grow cynical as they grow older. Although, didn't you make a post on facebook a couple of weeks ago that you choose to look at the root of an issue and try to understand where people are coming from, implying that you don't just jump on the bandwagon with a pitchfork. Are you sure you are doing that now or are you driving the carriage, while I'm hiding in the windmill?

Do you feel my review of the molding process was an attack on anyone in particular? Do you feel it was an attack against You? Why did you get worked up over my review? Why did you message me on facebook and call me petty and ignorant? Do you think Gore Verbinski is on a rampage against all the critics who defamed the new Lone Ranger movie? You guys posted that video on the internet, a public arena, where it can and will get reviewed and possibly reviewed in such a way that you don't like. I have had people rip into my creations before. Gino comes to mind ;) Now you delete the link to my review (which is o.k. it doesn't have to be here) but why can't people be allowed to read it? If they want to read it, they can find me and it on facebook.

You know fair well that my review will only bring more people to see the video and boost interest in it. I wouldn't say my review is negative in such a way that it could possibly reduce the number of sales. Even "if" my review was bad advertising, it is still advertising, wouldn't you say? The only potentially negative thing I said that might regard or influence customers and sales is the fact of shrinkage, which you have confirmed here yourself. Is that a bad thing? No. Is it inevitable? Yes. Can it be reduced to the absolute minimum? Definitely.

Art, I would have thought that you of all people would understand the points I was addressing and respect them, analyze them, and think them through, because this involved an original Fett helmet. Did you simply get emotional at the beginning, take it personally, and get stuck on your own feelings? There were incredible risks involved with making the mold in such a way and it didn't just scare me. FP even backed me up. So did a few other mold makers who have been in the hobby for so, so many years. Are you saying that the coincidence of the RPF thread "issue" holds enough weight that my points are conjured or not valid? Most of these people on these forums haven't made enough mistakes, making molds to know when to be careful. You HAVE to make mistakes to learn and a rare piece such as that helmet should not be taken for granted. So, you say a mold has been taken from it already? Did they take into consideration that silicone residue left on an item can cause new silicone to bond to it? I have experienced this first hand. Have you or the efx guys ever had a mold permanently, or even partially bond to a master, ruining both the mold and the master?

Art, dude, I had a couple people tell me about what you have posted here, through text messages, and they said I might want to try to defend myself. They even said to me that they wanted to back me up but were afraid they might get kicked off of the forums if they did. Are you running this place through intimidation? Should I worry now that you might just "delete" me on a whim? How often do you see me starting a fuss on the forums? Do you know how long I've been on the forums? I've been around since 1999, if you didn't realize it. I don't get involved with that stuff, like may others do. I prefer to be positive, share informational things, try to have fun. Do you follow any of my threads on any of the forums (rpf for example)? Is that the type of person you believe me to be?

BTW, for what it's worth, the RPF thread thing had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with my review on the EFX video. Coincidence? Sure! The only thing about that, that I was upset with was how it was handled. I didn't "choose to ignore" the rules. I never post things for sale on those forums. I posted my thread out of habit and didn't put a price. That's the way the forums used to be and that's how most forums are. When the members called me out on it I figured o.k. I don't want to put a price so the mods will take care of it. No biggie. It was after that, that it was handled poorly. I tried to explain it to you and Montagar. I'm not sure how to convince you of that. I suppose maybe we should have talked on the phone over that so you didn't read into what I was saying. I think you are grasping, perhaps even projecting a little, I have no idea why you would jump to conclusions and make accusations as you are. Could it be because I am a long time 501st member and I strongly support the 501st? Eh, probably not. That's probably just coincidence albeit maybe the tables are just turned in that example ;)
Am I allowed to defend myself against your accusations and name calling? If I try, can I trust that you won't just delete my post?

Don't break the rules and don't push an agenda and you shouldn't have a problem.

I am not an active poster on these forums anymore yet you chose to defame me here, where I can't readily defend myself.

Sure you can. You seemed to have no problem finding your way here and since you already have an account your ability to post seems pretty "readily" to me.

My guess is you are just very defensive given all of your years dealing with people on these forums and that is understandable. I have seen a lot of people grow cynical as they grow older. Although, didn't you make a post on facebook a couple of weeks ago that you choose to look at the root of an issue and try to understand where people are coming from, implying that you don't just jump on the bandwagon with a pitchfork. Are you sure you are doing that now or are you driving the carriage, while I'm hiding in the windmill?

So, instead of defending... this is the approach you are looking to take? Hoping to put me on the defensive? Not a good start... but let's continue.

Do you feel my review of the molding process was an attack on anyone in particular? Do you feel it was an attack against You? Why did you get worked up over my review? Why did you message me on facebook and call me petty and ignorant?

Because I feel your response was both.

Do you think Gore Verbinski is on a rampage against all the critics who defamed the new Lone Ranger movie? You guys posted that video on the internet, a public arena, where it can and will get reviewed and possibly reviewed in such a way that you don't like. I have had people rip into my creations before. Gino comes to mind ;) Now you delete the link to my review (which is o.k. it doesn't have to be here) but why can't people be allowed to read it? If they want to read it, they can find me and it on facebook.

Why in the world would I allow my site to be used to promote such drivel? People are of course ALLOWED to read it, but I don't have to roll out the red carpet to disinformation.

You know fair well that my review will only bring more people to see the video and boost interest in it. I wouldn't say my review is negative in such a way that it could possibly reduce the number of sales. Even "if" my review was bad advertising, it is still advertising, wouldn't you say? The only potentially negative thing I said that might regard or influence customers and sales is the fact of shrinkage, which you have confirmed here yourself. Is that a bad thing? No. Is it inevitable? Yes. Can it be reduced to the absolute minimum? Definitely.

I have no concern about sales. That is an eFX concern.

Art, I would have thought that you of all people would understand the points I was addressing and respect them, analyze them, and think them through, because this involved an original Fett helmet. Did you simply get emotional at the beginning, take it personally, and get stuck on your own feelings? There were incredible risks involved with making the mold in such a way and it didn't just scare me. FP even backed me up. So did a few other mold makers who have been in the hobby for so, so many years. Are you saying that the coincidence of the RPF thread "issue" holds enough weight that my points are conjured or not valid? Most of these people on these forums haven't made enough mistakes, making molds to know when to be careful. You HAVE to make mistakes to learn and a rare piece such as that helmet should not be taken for granted. So, you say a mold has been taken from it already? Did they take into consideration that silicone residue left on an item can cause new silicone to bond to it? I have experienced this first hand. Have you or the efx guys ever had a mold permanently, or even partially bond to a master, ruining both the mold and the master?

You keep says "you," addressing me. I didn't conceive the mold, mix the silicone, clay the sculpt, or pour the silicone over it. In fact, two professionals, one who works in the industry every single day did. Part of your mistake in your approach was thinking this was amateur hour because it was reported by someone who doesn't have a history of molding... and then your assumptions compounded from there... in assuming everyone involved was a drooling idiot and wouldn't have considered the things you brought up because you didn't see it all in a 90 second montage.

Art, dude, I had a couple people tell me about what you have posted here, through text messages, and they said I might want to try to defend myself. They even said to me that they wanted to back me up but were afraid they might get kicked off of the forums if they did. Are you running this place through intimidation? Should I worry now that you might just "delete" me on a whim?

But you haven't defended yourself. You have only carried the same type of unsubstantiated accusations that started on the RPF, moved to facebook, continued on facebook and now have come here. What you are doing now is asking question to try to paint yourself as a victim and me as some scary site admin so others will sympathize with you. You haven't defended anything you have said in all of your words... only continued to essentially do the same thing you did on facebook. Fortunately, for you, no one is ever deleted on a whim...

How often do you see me starting a fuss on the forums? Do you know how long I've been on the forums? I've been around since 1999, if you didn't realize it. I don't get involved with that stuff, like may others do. I prefer to be positive, share informational things, try to have fun. Do you follow any of my threads on any of the forums (rpf for example)? Is that the type of person you believe me to be?

Yes, I know you are an old-timer like me. I know your history and your contributions. However, your actions over the past week do not reflect that.

BTW, for what it's worth, the RPF thread thing had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with my review on the EFX video. Coincidence? Sure! The only thing about that, that I was upset with was how it was handled. I didn't "choose to ignore" the rules. I never post things for sale on those forums. I posted my thread out of habit and didn't put a price. That's the way the forums used to be and that's how most forums are. When the members called me out on it I figured o.k. I don't want to put a price so the mods will take care of it. No biggie. It was after that, that it was handled poorly. I tried to explain it to you and Montagar. I'm not sure how to convince you of that. I suppose maybe we should have talked on the phone over that so you didn't read into what I was saying. I think you are grasping, perhaps even projecting a little, I have no idea why you would jump to conclusions and make accusations as you are. Could it be because I am a long time 501st member and I strongly support the 501st? Eh, probably not. That's probably just coincidence albeit maybe the tables are just turned in that example ;)

Two heated issues with someone who doesn't have a history of issues within less than 48 hours and then your "concerned" post doesn't seem like much of a coincidence to me. I do like, through the very end up this that you are still working in those subtle character-questioning tidbits. Perhaps you are right. Perhaps you SHOULD have picked up the phone. I am sure you will protest to the contrary, but for someone who has shown so little interest in Fett until this moment... I'll bet if you had posted anything at all, it would have been quite different than what you posted. You will be very pressed to convince me otherwise and nothing in your post here has made it appear any different.

Holy cow dude. Why are you so upset and attacking me like this? I don't know if you mean to do it, but your comments are very offensive. The world through the eyes of Art must be an amazing place.

So your defaming me here is justified then?

I logged on here because some concerned friends told me what you had said.

I am not a every day reader, therefor I am not readily able to defend myself...ya dig? ;)

Breaking the rules with an agenda??? ***?! I don't even know how to respond to that. My sale thread on the RPF wasn't that important. I just threw the hoth set up there to see if someone would bite because I'm struggling and I don't have space for it anyway. Is it possible for you to re-read what we talked about (over the RPF thing) and maybe see Montagars pm's too, to try and view it from a different viewpoint? The timing WAS a coincidence. The ONLY thing I was trying to point out to you during that talk was the fact that both the prop clubs and the 501st have "tools" in them... or people with little respect and that maybe you shouldn't rip on the 501st so much. That's all. I didn't care at all about that, after that.

Thanks for putting words in my mouth for people to conjecture over..."drooling idiots" huh? dang dude! Is that how my review read to you? Is that how you perceive me to be? How about everyone else? I even said I assume the mold makers were just really excited and perhaps they didn't consider all the risks involved. If that equals "drooling idiots"... ..I don't even know how to respond to you over that.

Well dang man, you have put me on the defensive. I tried to type that as best as I could. I'm not trying to be mean to you. I'm not calling you names or making judgements against you. How shall I defend myself regarding what I did? Do I truly "need" to defend myself against posting a review online? You mentioned that I didn't post it here. Of course not. You would delete it in a why bother.

How can I defend myself against your calling me petty and ignorant? Do you suppose you ever exhibit these traits? How would you defend yourself if you were in my position?

Holy cow dude. Why are you so upset and attacking me like this? I don't know if you mean to do it, but your comments are very offensive. The world through the eyes of Art must be an amazing place.

The world through my eyes is a fantastic place, full of joy, wonder, and excitement, but I appreciate your continued efforts to chip away at me.

So your defaming me here is justified then?

You haven't been defamed. I have just given a well-intentioned review of your well-intentioned review.

Thanks for putting words in my mouth for people to conjecture over..."drooling idiots" huh? dang dude! Is that how my review read to you? Is that how you perceive me to be? How about everyone else? I even said I assume the mold makers were just really excited and perhaps they didn't consider all the risks involved. If that equals "drooling idiots"... ..I don't even know how to respond to you over that.

Sure you do. You start a review with "What to do if you want to risk damaging a one of a kind piece of cinematic history" and then go downhill from there. Let's not play coy or kid ourselves. I am not reading anything into it. You started out, by what appears to be your definition of defamation, and then proceeded to place eFX and the professionals it chose to hire in a very questionable light due to assumptions you made, not really having a solid handle on what actually did take place.

Well dang man, you have put me on the defensive. I tried to type that as best as I could. I'm not trying to be mean to you. I'm not calling you names or making judgements against you. How shall I defend myself regarding what I did? Do I truly "need" to defend myself against posting a review online? You mentioned that I didn't post it here. Of course not. You would delete it in a why bother.

Wait... I thought you didn't post here because you didn't visit here often. You do post at the RPF but didn't post it there either. You only posted it where you felt you would be safe. So, I followed suit and took you to task over it here. Actually, I tried to ignore it, but some of your friends simply wouldn't let it go.

How can I defend myself against your calling me petty and ignorant?

I didn't say you were petty and ignorant... but that response/review most certainly was.

Do you suppose you ever exhibit these traits? How would you defend yourself if you were in my position?

I'll ignore that first question as it is purely baiting. As to the second. I always look to settle things privately first, unless it is on such a mass scale (like the 501st's knee jerk reaction to the trooper suit) that I couldn't address it privately. The thing is, I don't think you want to deal with this privately as the whole point was to make a public spectacle and you have succeeded. Me... I suppose I'd still be looking to pick up that phone...
Your message to me:


You said the same things here in this thread.

You haven't bothered to back down from making a spectacle now have you?

Do you admit that you baited me, to bring me into this thread?

Go ahead, get the last word. I'm done. I still don't get why you are responding this way...but whatever. I have a life to attend to.

Nothing like a good old fashioned geek flame war to make us all feel young again ;) I must say, this is my first one. It's pretty special.

O.k.. when would you want to talk?
Your message to me:


You said the same things here in this thread.

Thanks for proving my point. Your post was petty and ignorant. Not sure what you are trying to prove since we are saying the same thing unless you are hoping to continue to paint yourself as a victim in this mess you have created.

You haven't bothered to back down from making a spectacle now have you?

Do you admit that you baited me, to bring me into this thread?

Go ahead, get the last word. I'm done. I still don't get why you are responding this way...but whatever. I have a life to attend to.

Nothing like a good old fashioned geek flame war to make us all feel young again ;) I must say, this is my first one. It's pretty special.

O.k.. when would you want to talk?

I can talk pretty much anytime. Just say the word and I'll send you my number or we can take it to PM, whichever you prefer.

We can even bring Gino in since he did some of the work directly.
Pick up the phone already guys.

Many years ago I was in a rock band that I loved and truly enjoyed, SF area. I spent years practicing and writing songs, I gave everything I had to this project. Long story short, an email got passed around one day and every band member had their own interpretation of what was being said. Next thing I know, I’m out and years later I found out it was all a big misunderstanding.

When Texting or conversing over Email
If it’s turning into a big deal, pick up the phone.
If you detect someone is upset by a comment you made, pick up the phone.
If they may have misunderstood your meaning, pick up the phone.

“don’t wake up in a roadside ditch”
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