Completely new to costuming, need answers, maybe someone to help along the way.


New Hunter
Hey, Im 15 and im looking to go to the next celebration down in orlando next year. Id like to go in costume and i was thinking of some mandalorian armor, not necessarily Boba or Jango armor. Anyways point is i have no idea were to begin, i dont have much money and i have no idea what i need and how to do it. I was thinking of some black and maybe gold mandolorian armor, no jetpack. Also where, or how can i get a weapon? Thanks.
Being just a mando. The would be a good place to go. Although a lot of the info here would work. Best place to start is the helment. They look good on a shelf. The gun depends on what u want. Lot of coustom Mandos use nerf guns painted up. Star wars toy guns painted up.
There is a wealth of reference material and archived information available to familiarize yourself with here including parts, reliable vendors, various economic alternatives and assembly guides to help nudge you on the right path in your endeavor.

Best advice I can offer is get to know the people, read up on some of the history, save up because a small investment for materials and equipment will be unavoidable and to be patient since this is a very laborious but incredibly gratifying experience that is commonly shared by everyone in this community.

These are exciting days ahead of you, good luck and welcome to TDH. :)
If you decide you don't like the trashcan idea, you can go to a sign shop and ask them if you can buy their scrap sintra or pvc board. I've got a pile here to work with that I picked up for $20 at a local Sign-It-Quick. It's a little thicker than trashcan, and easier to shape (and it makes you sound smarter when your non-costuming friends ask what your costume's made of). You'll need a dremel or some heavy duty blade (and a lot of patience) to cut it cleanly though.
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