An 'animated' little Xmas..


Active Hunter
Just a little bit of fun to show here – the wife – awesome as always - surprised me this year with a couple of nice ‘nerd treats’ as she calls them;). One Star Wars themed, the other, catering to my love of animation. Ahh, bless that woman :)

First up, and this one was a complete surprise to me, was this very excellent quarter scale Han Solo. The face sculpt, clothing and accessories are fantastic, and it’s a huge figure. I made a couple of small modifications to make him look more accurate on display. Firstly, I knew there was something a little off with his dimensions straight out of the box. It works out that his legs are simply a little too long and skinny for his torso. So I shaved a little off his height, and used some light foam to fill out certain areas of his legs. Perspective in photos can always look a little off, but he looks perfect proportion-wise in person now.

I also made a droid caller for him – there is the clip for it on the belt, but no droid caller accessory. A rather odd choice in my mind, when they provide the clip for it, but instead choose to add the medallion he receives at the end of ANH as an accessory, instead of the droid caller. But not to worry – I fashioned a reasonably accurate looking one out of some odds and bobs I found off an old water pistol etc... Finally, I made a nice new base for him with an insert of a cross section of the Millennium Falcon. Ol’ Mos Eisley Han is now proudly displayed in one of his classic poses, and I think with the modifications I mentioned, is a really neat piece to display and looks excellent. These guys are really well priced too for what you get..

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Secondly, we have a beautiful animated statue by the makers Electric Tiki. I love their stuff, and actually have another on the way of a certain ‘Vampire Slayer... .’ In any case, Her Excellence saw me eyeing this one off, and decided to add to my Xmas delight... For any of you retro gamers out there that remember ‘Dragons Lair’, you may recall the sequel ‘Space Ace’… Well if you do, this here is a limited edition Maquette of the Princess Kimberly from Space Ace – Limited to 200 pieces, mine is numbered at #69.

I absolutely adore this piece. I have a background and a real love for animation, so these ‘tooned up’ Maquettes, while maybe not for everyone, are awesome in my book. This one is beautifully cast and painted, and even though my pics are not quite as sharp as I would like (still trying to find the best lighting sources in our new place), rest assured, she is awesome in person.

Now of course this has given the wife plenty of ammo to mock me for ‘playing with my dolls’; however, I keep reminding her that she was the instigator ;) But, I must say, the ‘Nerd Den’ a.k.a. the Study – is looking awesome with all these new additions, along with my recently purchased Detolf Shelving for my Helmets.. Enjoy gang, and thanks for looking, Peace :)

Haha! "Nerd Treats"! I am so glad my wife doesn't read any of this stuff! ;) Awesome prezzies though J! Maybe some pics of your "Nerd Den" in the future? :D
For sure mate. Once all the helmets are complete and in the cabinet, and all the little statues and a few framed posters are up on the walls, i'll post some pics of my 'Geek Lair' (yet another wonderful wife nickname;))...
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