Webley...Rubber EE-3 Blaster

That is very very unfortunate!
I was really looking forward to acquiring one of these bad boys for my costume. His price was a little high but seeing the end product, I thought it was reasonable for the quality.
I hope he didn't get into any legal trouble.
I agree

postmortem01 - if you read this - good luck to you and remember - no matter how busy you are, try to have a little fun

Yeah. I know... I'm sorry guys. I am super busy right now. I am almost completely caught up on my order but it's REALLY hard to catch up. I have my friend pouring parts for me and shipping them. I am making other parts. It's just a bit too much work for me right now. On top of the side stuff, I am working 80 hour weeks. It's tough. I am beat up tired!

Who lives in California? I have a lull coming up here in a week or two. I will pour up some Webley if someone will come to the shop and help me trim them.

It is very important that I complete my past due order first though. I will be up to date in 2 days.

Sorry about the dangled carrot. I still need to get scopes and accessories to mold.

Anyway...Sorry about that guys.

Best regards,


P.S. I'll check the forum more often. Like I said, I am just really really busy.
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