Well I've joined the trashcan Fetts and I need help with attaching the back plate to the front. Any suggestions?

What do you mean?

If I'm understanding right, the back plate is attached to the collar with four bolts. The shoulder studs are in place of the nuts.
Thanks for the inspiration.My friend's dad is a manager at a waste management company, and i was able to obtain one of those giant rolling garbage cans. I'll probobly start making armor in a couple of months, so i'll post when i start selling .
Wanted to add my Trashcan Fett. Helmet is a Rubies than needs some modifications, and the blasters are from a very cheap set but worked.... Gauntlets were from - toilet brush holder.... right size and everything.. but need to do a LOT of work on them - No Jet pack yet.. the ammo pouched are just vinyl with upholstry glue... all in all - I like the way it turned out and took I would say around 40 hours to complete.

You can see the slip on this quick picture of the armor over the belt... one of the straps slipped. Found out the best way to work with this was to use elastice and very small screws.. then grind the screws down to nothing and use a little bondo to cover any imperfections.

LOTS of sanding is needed to have stuff stick better and the pain to go on well.

I used two layers of Black, two layers of silver then a layer of black and a layer of silver - then just lef tthe armor on for all day on Halloween... by endo of day - interesting effects for "damage"!
I found that heating this stuff over the stove really lets you work with it. I had high temp. gloves - like welding gloves - that I held on to the plastic with as I bent it and then stuck it in the ice cold water to freeze it into shape.
I found that heating this stuff over the stove really lets you work with it. I had high temp. gloves - like welding gloves - that I held on to the plastic with as I bent it and then stuck it in the ice cold water to freeze it into shape.
The stove can cause it to burn. Boil up some water or use a heatgun. Sintra fumes is Chlorine Gas and is EXTREMELY TOXIC, so NEVER use fire to shape it.
What type of condition does this type of armor turn out to be? Does it wobble or shake when you walk? About how thick and malleable is the plastic?
Look at the size of that thing! (Sorry, I couldn't resist)

Dang, Zombie! I've got tears running down my face from laughing at your post.
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man, i've got to say, this has to be the sweetest way to make some affordable armour. i've got most of my stuff done and ready to put on my flak soon as i get that vest done that is. really easy to shape this stuff too, with a little heat. thanks a lot man
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