A Mystery To Solve, Scooby Doo...


Active Hunter
A Mystery Solved, Scooby Doo...

Ok, I figured I would give this one more shot. When I bought my gauntlets, locally, I was told they they may have been cast from the DP Lifeseize Fett. They are made from fibreglass and have a machined aluminium left rocket, darts and flamethrower nozzels.


Unless Ruff has changed his design, these are not his. I am in the dark about who made them. I am curious, however, who made them and off of what because there are some striking differences between what I have seen on Fett himself and here on the boards.

The keypad is different and there is no indentation spot for the dental expander. So, if anyone can do some digging, please do. I would love to I.D. this set.
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yeah.. and as fas as i can remmember only Jango had a tube running out from beind the flamethrower..

am i right? or wrong? guys?
Well ,there not Chucks, of that I am 99% sure. Boba never had a tube on the flamethrower. I dont know who would make it with that. I have seen them on eBay like that though.
on the flamethrower, on my set, there are not one, but two:


on the right, I have three tubes running out of the gaunt. that's how i got em.
That is a mystery.

I don't own ay gauntlets, but I know enough about them. The hoses on the left suggest a repainted Jango gauntlet, but Jango's gauntlet didn't have a keypad.

Please, anybody, correct me if I'm wrong.
just because they have the hoses doesnt mean they were permanantly attached from them being formed on there. If those are off the DP then they are a terrible cast. They might just be a really bad attempt at a recast, just a few bits give me a few ideas to them being so. they are missing the indents on the bottom halves...
Ok, the best I can do with the webcam. I have tried to get as many detailed shots. I am attempting to make them right. I need to bondo the holes and get a Borden connector piece.


back of the flamethrower. the FT is removable via two screws. I cannot find a seam and the two holes are where the metal rods that held the tubes were.


Indentations on the left gaunt, on the inside, closets to my body when wearing.


A shot of the top. I added the light, but the switch was in place when purchased. The rocket is aluminim, as are the flamethrower nozzles.


Flamethrower nozzles.


Another view of the back.


Right Gaunt.


Front of right gaunt.


Top of right gaunt.


closeup of the metal rods for the tubes.


I removed the pushbuttons here. couldn't unscrew them.


right gaunt indentation. closer to the bottom of the gaunt.


NO indentation where the Borden goes.




more nozzles.


This is how the gauntlets close on both.


Inside the right gaunt.


The machines aluminum darts.

Hope that may help. I like them and for what I paid for them, I think I got a steal. I am just not seeing any others like these, which is why I am curious who made them. Sorry to be a pest about it. Just hopin someone can help.
You know... they could be Starfortress Productions Gauntlets... the ones with all metal details... I've never heard of anybody actually holding them in their hands so their details are up in the air!
*Goes to SFP's website. Looks at the photo*


*Looks at his gaunt image...*


THATS IT!!!! That's the set I have!!! Key pad is the same. Gaunt indents are the same. Not too sure if the rocket was replaced or not, but still. For what I paid for them... :thumbsup:

Wow! I really got a helluva deal!!!!!!! Does the happy dance all over the place... Thank you for mentioning SFP. i completely forgot about them!!!!!
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Incredible. You've just killed two birds with one stone!

Not only did you identify your mystery gloves, but you've also become the first person (the first that I've seen on here, at least) to own a pair of SFP gauntlets!

So, now tell me. Are they any good? How much did you pay? Would you say they're worth the hundreds of dollars they cost on the site?
Just to make sure, I contacted Anton. "Yes that's definitely a set of Outworld manufactured Fett armor as we have available." So, Gorman nailed it. Thank him, not me, lol.

So, how are they? I love them. Being that they have the machined pieces, they have a good weight to them. I like the snap closure and hinges both shells have and they fit great (with a little padding).

The main drawback is you can't get into anything from the inside. Does that make sense? For example, I was looking at TK409's set of Ruffkin gauntlets. I noticed on the inside, you could see where the darts go in, etc. So if you ever wanted to make a change, it seems somewhat easy.

With my gauntlets, there is no way of accessing anything via the inside of the gauntlets as there is no inner detail, i.e.; if i wanted to change the darts, it would be a pain. Same with the pushbuttons. They are not screwed in, but glued in. Which is why when I attepmted to remove the ones on the right gaunt, only the tops came out and the rest of the button remains inside, see image:


The rocket is riveted in, which is easy to remove. The flamethrower does not appear to be in two pieces. Looks more like one large piece with the flamethrower parts glued in. It also appears to be solid, not hollow.

Aside from a few things that are not accurate, the keypad, no borden connector, the correct placement of hoses (and I am STILL in the dark as to what's right and whats not) etc. They feel good and I think they look good.

Aside for a few minor changes I feel they need (borden connector, hose issue) I think they are worth every dime I paid. Of course, I only dropped $165 for them (non ebay).

Looking at them now, if I had an extra $300 to spare and was not extremely worried about 100% screen accuracy, I would have dropped it in a heartbeat, especially for having the aluminium pieces. However, be prepared to add padding and/or velcro because with the added weight of the metal, the left gaunt has a bad tendancy to spin if not properly padded.

I will take some really good pics of them sometime this week and post them.

Again, thanks to my TDH family, I again found the answers I was looking for.
The darts arent really that accurate but they are aluminum...so thats a plus.

They look good, I think the reason the left doesnt have the dent for the expander...these used to be Jango's in a previous life. THey look as if the calc pad and area was added on later.

with the padding on the left gaunt...when I had my jango, something I found that worked really well, at walmart they have foam window insulation stripping, thats stuff WORKS GREAT! I actually doubled up on each strip and so one on top of another, but ribbed the gauntlet top and bottom with 3 ribs on each, and they stayed nice and tight, but were real comfortable and didnt restrict the blood flow or anything, but kept it nice and sturdy to not move...you might try it if you are still havin a problem w/ it.
Gilmore of OK said:
The darts arent really that accurate but they are aluminum...so thats a plus.

They look good, I think the reason the left doesnt have the dent for the expander...these used to be Jango's in a previous life. THey look as if the calc pad and area was added on later.

with the padding on the left gaunt...when I had my jango, something I found that worked really well, at walmart they have foam window insulation stripping, thats stuff WORKS GREAT! I actually doubled up on each strip and so one on top of another, but ribbed the gauntlet top and bottom with 3 ribs on each, and they stayed nice and tight, but were real comfortable and didnt restrict the blood flow or anything, but kept it nice and sturdy to not move...you might try it if you are still havin a problem w/ it.

Aluminium or not, I am not too keen on the smaller darts at all. Will probably upgrade those. I will go to walmart to get the foam. Can you post a pic for me to use as a guide?
FYI, looks like the original rocket (in the SFP photo) was either modified at SFP to be shorter, or this one I have on it is a replacement, as I can look and see my rocket is smaller than what SFP has listed on their site.
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