Mod'd Sidwinder Mounts


Active Hunter
Worked these up last night. i replaced the resin Molex Connectors with real ones. i used a sheet of 2.0mm &1.5mm styrene stuck together to make the tops of the mounts. a 1/2 inch by 1/4 inch to make the lift between the base ring & the top peice. i also used the 2.0mm styrene to make the 2 pegs each "pegs" on the rings.
theres still alittle work to be done but its **** near finnished.
what do ya think:confused

Edit: sorry bout not having a Giant Pic warning.



Those look spot-on BFS1, at least from what I can tell from the ref. I had made an illustration in another thread, and they match, so at least we're seeing the same thing! Great work!
Im just gunna post the progress of the whole gun here. Update: I moded the rings more by making the block under the top piece wider and making the top pieces smaller. i also decided to get rid of the resin scope for the most part. i like the part about a real scope where you can sometimes see light through the glass. i got some 1/16th steel tubing and cut it to the length of the resin scope tube. i also cut the two bells of a tasco scope & moded them to be the length and look like the ASI bells as much as possible. glued it all together painted it with Tamiya semi gloss black and got this. i so now all i need is the rings & windage from sidewinder and its done. i might replace the adjustment nob though as its pretty beat up.
whatcha think?:confused

back ring.jpg

front ring.jpg

side ring.jpg






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UPDATE: finished this part up tonight. its a replacement for the circular disk that goes under the v8 arm. its made of 2 different sized washers and a resin peg. it also has a "lift" on the back of it made of plasticard. from photos and advice from a friend it seems that the disk doesn't sit exactly against the webley. its slightly lifted off of it. the lift also helps the v8 arm look better as it doesn't sit right without it. so now it just needs paint.

also i don't have it in hand yet (hopefully next week). but heres some teaser pictures i got of my expensive Christmas present.

blaster part1.jpg

blaster part2.jpg

blaster part3.jpg

blaster part4.jpg

webley 1.jpg

webley 2.jpg
Im just gunna post the progress of the whole gun here. Update: I moded the rings more by making the block under the top piece wider and making the top pieces smaller. i also decided to get rid of the resin scope for the most part. i like the part about a real scope where you can sometimes see light through the glass. i got some 1/16th steel tubing and cut it to the length of the resin scope tube. i also cut the two bells of a tasco scope & moded them to be the length and look like the ASI bells as much as possible. glued it all together painted it with Tamiya semi gloss black and got this. i so now all i need is the rings & windage from sidewinder and its done. i might replace the adjustment nob though as its pretty beat up.
whatcha think?:confused

What are your bands made of here? This is excelent work. I made a band out of pvc. Which acts close to how it should. And when the same clamp is slid all the way to the top, they are close together, like your top of barrell clamp.

Im trying to get a handle on what the best 'material' is to create these things out of.

Thanks man
semi large update-
Just about done with this project:thumbsup:. have had lots of fun on it these last few days.
i decided to scrap the scope i was working on for a FrankenScope from Ripcode. so now the scopes a real one as well as the rings. the only resin on the scope are the tall feet.
i have started swapping the plastic pegs i made for metal ones. got the two front ones on tonight & hope to do the two back ones tomorrow. once those are on this will be finnished.
readjusted the amount of flashtube sticking out thanks to a tip from a friend. thanks again bro!. the tube is only held in place by friction. i used electrical tape to keep it in there. it makes it come out real easy when it needs to be broken down but wont fall out even if you swing it round.
added a new production webley walnut stock with a new production webley lanyard ring and added the greebles.
also finished painting and weathering tonight. because i used a flash the weathering isnt really showing up so ill take some better pics without flash tommorow that should show it. i think that about covers it.. but im probobly forgeting somthing...

I was going to use this blaster for my fett display as the real webleys Far to heavy for the mannequin... but i need cash for bills & car repairs so im going to be selling this to help with the funds once its done (either tommorow or the day after)
again any questions or comments on changes that should be done before i wrap this project up are apreciated now on to the pics

resin webley.jpg

resin webley1.jpg

resin webley2.jpg
Sweet Jesus that looks awesome! :cheers :thumbsup:

Really, really nice work! I like seeing stuff like this, because it gives me inspiration for when I tackle it myself!
PROJECT Complete!!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: thanks for all the help guys.

added the larger rings pegs. & added a little more rust weathering and sealed it all with a dull coat, the rust is still a little hard to see in the pics but its there. ill be posting this for sale in the cargo hold later tonight/early tomorrow morning.

EDIT: Up For Sale Now.. See Here ------>

PS: pics may apear BIG to some of ya. so thats yer warning:rolleyes









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Looks awesome. The only thing id add is on your front tabs, I cant tell if they are really tabs, or round by the source pics (of the real blaster). But you an tell that theres a ring of light / silver at the base. As if theres either a washer, or metal showing past the rubber caps on the clamp.

This looks excelent though. Very nicely done.
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