Blaster EE-3 hyperfirm blasters


New Hunter
I was wondering who sells the hyperfirm ee3 blaster and how to contact them? besides that are there other individuals that create blasters in the US for convenience reasons?
Stormrider is the US guy for EE3 blasters....I spoke with him this week and he is moved to GA. But hasnt started any work yet, he has a foam hyperfirm like EE3 he does that he may be offering soon? Id start with him....Scifire is who does Hyperfirm but I dont know if theyre making EE3s anymore?
Yes, what Fett 4 Real said! Stormrider would be your guy! I have one of his kits and it is awesome! Ive also built a few for members here :)
Yeeeeah. I've bought a Hyperfirm DLT-19 and a DC-15s from him. I LOVE both of them. BUT, I'm having trouble stomaching that much on the EE-3. I still need a decent blaster myself. Anyone know if Stormrider or Sidewinder are making kits right now?
Oh wow. Ok. I was thinking the kit would be around $300+ then some bondo and paint. Well what do you guys recommend best for trooping? I would figure the rubber?

And sorry if I hijacked the thread! I can make my own if necessary.

Sorry to rez the dead (thread), but how do these hyperfirm blasters compare to the sidewinder kit and the storm rider resin/wood kits? Sorry its just really hard to compare these over the net, please feel free to PM if you feel more comfortable.
Hey Paul, I owned a sidewinder kit before I moved to the Hyperfirm. For me it was all about durability for trooping. With the resin kits one good drop and you will more than likely be doing some repair on it. With my hyperfirm if I want I can hand it off to a kid that I am taking a pic with and not worry about it getting broken. So with that to me it will all depend on what you will be doing with it. If you are just going with a display then the resin one would be just fine.
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