Boba Fett Pre-Pro #2 (PP2) Armor Stencils


Well-Known Hunter
From the thread 'Boba Fett Pre-Pro 2 (PP2) Helmet Stencils' in the 'Boba Fett Helmet' forum.

I'm speaking strictly Pre-Production 2 armor. I was planning on eyeballing it. But with your nifty skills, I'd trust your method that much more.

Now look what you made me to do!


These stencils are made to fit Alan's (WOF) large armor templates. Parts of this armor was also weared with the Sandy and ROTJ helmets.

Big Update 02-02-2012
Due to the 'new' higher resolution Pre-Pro #2 images, and also the resurfaced ESB touring armor from the Star Wars Blu-Ray, I did some major changes to the armor as follows: both chest plates, the center diamond and the shoulder bells were recreated from scratch, while the back belt (recreated from scratch) was replaced with the (I guess) ESB Promo #1 back belt which is present on the MoM, DaG and SWtE exibits.

Update 25-03-2012
Added archived separation files in JPG format for those who want to edit or alter the stencil's dimensions.

Shoulder Bells
Shoulder Bell Right.jpg Shoulder Bell Left.jpg

Color Separation
View attachment Shoulder Bells A4.pdf
View attachment Shoulder Bells LTR.pdf

View attachment PP2 Shoulder

Collar Plate

Color Separation
View attachment Collar Piece A4.pdf
View attachment Collar Piece LTR.pdf

View attachment PP2 Collar

Chest Plates and Center Diamond
Chest Right.jpg Chest Left.jpg

Color Separation
View attachment Chest Plates & Center Diamond A4.pdf
View attachment Chest Plates & Center Diamond LTR.pdf

View attachment PP2 Chest Plates & Center

Abdominal Plate (this is actually the Pre-Pro #1 abdominal plate with extra scratches)

Color Separation
View attachment Abdominal Plate A4.pdf
View attachment Abdominal Plate LTR.pdf

View attachment PP2 Abdominal

New Addition 11-09-2011
Abdominal Plate (from one of the mixed promo suits and I believe this was the intended original Pre-Pro #2 abdominal plate)

Color Separation
View attachment Abdominal Plate A4 O.pdf
View attachment Abdominal Plate LTR O.pdf

View attachment PP2 Abdominal Plate

Back Plate
Back Plate.jpg Back Plate Pieces.jpg

Color Separation
View attachment Back Plate A4.pdf
View attachment Back Plate LTR.pdf

View attachment PP2 Back

Cod Piece
Cod Piece.jpg

Color Separation
View attachment Cod Piece A4.pdf
View attachment Cod Piece LTR.pdf

View attachment PP2 Cod

Back Belt
Back Belt.jpg

Color Separation
View attachment Back Belt A4.pdf
View attachment Back Belt LTR.pdf

View attachment PP2 Back

Knee Pads
Knee Right.jpg Knee Left.jpg

Color Separation
View attachment Knee Pads A4.pdf
View attachment Knee Pads LTR.pdf

View attachment PP2 Knee

And here is the general view of the armor (the first setup is the 'known' version, while the second image has the 'original' abdominal plate).

Armor General View.jpg Armor General View2.jpg

Remeber that all non-visible parts were made with improvisation and should not be taken as it is. You can modify and use it as you like. The perfect Boba Fett suit is the one that you build yourself.

Added to the Shoulder Bell armor the yellow scratches that I was omited been on hurry. The files are updated. Some colors are from stormtrooperguy's ROTJ armor rattlecan colors while others are matched from existing reference images and searched the net for appropiate colors. This is not cannon! Use the colors you think are the best for you.

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****!! Nice work dude! Those stencils are going to come in very handy for future Fetts! Thanks for a great contribution to this community :thumbsup: :cheers
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Just added to the first post the Collar stencil and a general view of the armor (taken from Alan's armor templates).
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Added to the first post the Cod Piece stencil (this stencil was partially impovised with PP1 scratches). The general view files was updated. I don't know if I will add the Back Plate stencil because there are not enough reference images.
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You are the man!....(like you didn't already know this)

Thanks a bunch, Rafal!
Eternally grateful.
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You are the man!....(like you didn't already know this)

Thanks a bunch, Rafal!
Eternally grateful.


Now I'm working on the knees. I hope I will finish it tomorrow and post it here, then I will do the color separation.
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Added to the first post the Knee Armor stencils. Replaced the general view image with a complete manequin's image. Corrected the right chest logo color from black to dark blue.
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Use this one if you want. Surely it's not the PP#2 one, but maybe the Sandy's one, it'll do the trick :thumbsup:


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