White Fett UZI-based Blaster


Active Hunter
Here is my White Fett Blaster...


Another shot...


I based it on an UZI, which was the weapon he was holding in the white fett pic. I beefed up the barrel a bit and got rid of the silly metal stick and circuit board. Let me know what you think.

Here is the original. It is owned by Steve S I believe. It is odd, I made mine more like a ROTJ Webley barrel...


BigaboyFett wrote:

Here is my White Fett Blaster...


Another shot...


I based it on an UZI, which was the weapon he was holding in the white fett pic. I beefed up the barrel a bit and got rid of the silly metal stick and circuit board. Let me know what you think.

if you notice, on the original blaster pic above, you can see that the barrel was made from a flash handle of the same make as lukes ANH/ESB sabers.

Rimshot wrote:

if you notice, on the original blaster pic above, you can see that the barrel was made from a flash handle of the same make as lukes ANH/ESB sabers.
Yep thats a graflex(?) alright.
Love that blaster BBF 8)
I did notice and I thought it sucked. Mine cost $9!

Rimshot wrote:

if you notice, on the original blaster pic above, you can see that the barrel was made from a flash handle of the same make as lukes ANH/ESB sabers.
That way I can hose down the drunk jerk preps that try to pick stuff with me. I always like to launch my first punch right to the front of the neck...I never lose.

Plus, I looked at Estes rocket engines. Nice to roast someones face with if they get sassy! I have the chargers and the switches. Probably safer than the "real" flamethrowers I have seen. POOF!

thunderbolt885 wrote:

if i where you id buy an AIRSOFT uzi from ebay its around $12-$20 and its a full sized uzi. i think it would look ALOT better


so tahts $15 WITH shipping. and it comes with alot of interchangable parts. good cheap choice in my book.

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