Where do I start Fangs Tie Helm???


Active Hunter
I'm just awaiting for Sarges Tie Helm to be delivered. I am totally new to something like this. Has anyone recieved Sgt. Fangs Tie Helmet yet? Where do I begin, sanding by hand?type of sandpaper? cutting with dremel, how and with any precautions? painting? Any suggestions will help greatly. Just want to prepare myself so when the piece comes I'm ready to go.:lol:
i've never seen sarge's ties, but i've put together my share of helmets and other kits...

there isn't really a right way in my opinion. there are a whole bunch of things that will probably need doing: cut out the eyes / teeth, sand out seam lines, fill any bubbles / seams as needed, sand the whole thing out.

the order isn't particularly important in the grand scheme of things, though i do suggest sanding last, otherwise you'll do it a bunch of times (sand, cut out eyes, sand, cut out teeth, sand, etc...)
I've never done one of his Tie Pilot helmets but I am still working on one of his Boba helmets. I'll go ahead and make a list of the things that you'll probably need, and hopefully this will help.

1. Either Bondo or Bondo Glazing and Spot Putty-as it's easier to work with.
2. Sandable automotive primer-I use a grey primer from Wal Mart-about $2.50 a can.
3. A dremel tool with various attachments-the cut off wheel will be a necessary piece of equipment when you are trimming around the edges and for the eyes etc.
4. An assortment of wet/dry sandpaper-I use alot of 400, 320, 220, etc and they've worked fine for me so far.
5. Paints of course-spray paint or airbrush if you're able. Have an assortment of brushes as well.

Those are the biggies and that should get you started, although I've probably neglected a few things. Oh yeah, I also have a 3M Spot Sanding Pen for detail sanding, it works great on spots that you can't get at with sandpaper. Good luck.

Man thanks for the info guys, broadens my view on how things are done. But I have more questions...I plan to get the helmet automotively pro painted after I prep the thing up. Is it worth it? Where do we get Bondo or Spot Putty? Should I approach cutting in any pattern or direction?One more wet/dry sandpaper? Sorry for the rookie questions, I just dont wanna screw this thing up. :P
As far as having your bucket professionally painted at the automotive shop-I guess that depends upon the thickness of your wallet. You may ask around here as there are some very talented artists that may paint it for you. One thing about having it painted by an automotive painter, should you be wanting to weather the helmet to show it's been used etc, the auto painter may not know how to do that as well as someone who does it quite often.

You can get Bondo and the Bondo Glazing and Spot Putty at Walmart or at automotive supply stores etc. Should be on the same shelf, or at least it's general area. As far as cutting things, just remember to be careful and make sure you don't cut off too much. Call me cautious, but I'll cut it down slowly until there's about an eigth of an inch left and I'll then slowly sand that down with a rougher grit sandpaper and finish sand it with the 400 grit auto wet/dry sandpaper. Concerning the wet/dry sandpaper, you'll need it for all your finish work as far as Bondo/Spot Putty goes and paint. I use the 400 grit to finish every surface before painting as it smooths stuff out like glass. You don't Need the wet/dry but I think it's a bit more durable and a personal preference for me I guess...I hope that helps. I'm not nearly as skilled as many of the folks here but I'll try and help where I can. I ask a zillion questions too so feel free to keep them coming if you're not sure of something. Especially ask before you buy something. I found that when I got in a rush to buy something, it was the wrong thing and I couldn't use it. So I ended up having to pay for the right item twice, and learned that lesson quickly. Try and not be impulsive and buy before you've thoroughly looked into the item and see if it's something that'll work with the rest of your kit...Good luck.

Thanks Syntir, really appreciate the help. That should get me started till the end. As far as wheathering, I think the Tie Helmet will look sweet with a glass shine brand new off the empire assembly line. Gotta go and buy some supplies:lol:
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