wanted to show off my new bucket


Active Hunter
I also want to publicly thank GCNgamer128 for the AMAZING work on this bucket :thumbsup: its been a long road totally worth the wait.
and now the pictures..
one of the front


some damage to the key slots in shipping (totally not GCNgamer128's fault) repaired and is now battle damage.

quick side view (first time working with rare earth magnets)

my speaker set up. Thanks Novall Talon for the idea. (dont mind the sponges I have not picked up foam or a hard hat harness yet.)
Glad you like it, I can't wait to see it in action at C4! How are the magnets on the earcaps? I've never tried that method before.

I'm sorry to hear that the keyslot broke, glad you could fix it :)
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