Boushh Voice changer advice/recommendations?


Casting the net to see if any of you experienced Boushh builders/wearers would be willing to toss a little advice my way on your voice changer solutions...

Don't think the iPhone voice synth app is going to work for our needs, so hoping there are some other good answers. I know the hyperdyne Vortex 2 is supposed to be nice, but can't seem to get good commlink with them.

Appreciate your opinions/info!
Ah. That'll do it.


Maybe try to find a cheap second hand iPod touch? I would think it STILL be cheaper than the hyperdyne....
I really want an android based voice synth app as well. Have been searching for sometime with no luck. I may go the route Aaron suggested and just buy an old ipod touch.

Edit: i found a cool android app, it actually sounds alot more like Boussh than Boba. Robovox pro, $1.99. The live feature has a slight delay when translating, but closest i could find so far.
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what are you looking for with your voice changer? i ask because you can use the ICOMM it's just $105 US what do you all think

How do you guys use the voice synth App for iPhone?
I have downloaded the free versión... but can't figure out how to use it... which preset do you use?

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