Uh Oh....Armor issue...

I just got my armor that I ordered off of eBay, and it's cut wrong. The Stomach portion of the armor that goes just above the cod piece is cut wrong and looks oblong. Instead of pyramiding perfectly together, it pyramids further to the left as you're looking straight on it.

I'm afraid to cut it, because I'm not sure of the material or if I can even cut it back to normal.

I'm not sure of the material, it feels like hardened styrofoam.

Man, this thing is cut all wrong...definatly not worth the 65 bucks I payed for it. :(

Hmm...I think I can work with though...any ideas?
Post pics. Measure it at the bottom, and at a perfect 90º angle from the center, measure the height. I may be able to help. See mine...


It is Sintra (most likely what you have).

Best of luck!


DellisTantor wrote:

I just got my armor that I ordered off of eBay, and it's cut wrong. The Stomach portion of the armor that goes just above the cod piece is cut wrong and looks oblong. Instead of pyramiding perfectly together, it pyramids further to the left as you're looking straight on it.

I'm afraid to cut it, because I'm not sure of the material or if I can even cut it back to normal.

I'm not sure of the material, it feels like hardened styrofoam.

Man, this thing is cut all wrong...definatly not worth the 65 bucks I payed for it. :(

Hmm...I think I can work with though...any ideas?
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