The super-duper Boba ammo pouch thread! VINYL TOO!!!

sith camaro

Active Hunter
Update, early morning 4/3. :)
I have been a busy bee!

Well, here it is! After a brief absence of a saw, I've finally been able to get back to work on this project, and am very pleased to announce that I have finished one of the belts! This is an ESB version, with the faux stitching. Don't ask why a ROTJ guy would make the first belt an's just a well paid belt....errr, I mean well MADE belt! :lol: ;)
Anyway, enough with all of the mumbo-jumbo, PICTURES!






And here's what a JEDI version would probably look like, with only 7 pouches.



Now the belt is a little smaller than my size, that's why you can see some exposed velcro on the back. As for the pouches, they are like the real deal, all different sizes. Not anything totally out of line, but some deeper, some taller, ect. No two are identical!
As for the jumpsuit, it's a home made deal. I sewed it together from white fabric, and did a few quick dyes. Added a tiny bit of black for a hint of dirt/stain.

Boba Freekk wrote:

sweet :cheers

where did u get the jumpsuit?:eek: it has that unique blue tint
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This was posted yesterday, how could I have missed it. WOW!!!! great looking belt I am so glad I made such a great decition. :) :) :)

By the way, I think that the way the ESB pouches go is 4 on the left and 3 on the right. Am I right??
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Probably do. It was late...I even forgot the buttons! :) You can expect an updated picture tonight.

Defiler wrote:

By the way, I think that the way the ESB pouches go is 4 on the left and 3 on the right. Am I right??
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I'm almost positive the 3 pouches go on the right to make room for the side-arm holster! Once again, awesome belt!
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Best Lloyd from "Dumb and Dumber",...."I like it alot". :) It came out totally awesome SC! Seeing one on a suited up Fett gives it dimension that a plain belt pic can't do.


BTW Will you do the ESB belt as seen in the "ESB 01" pic on the Fett ref. CD with just the top two rows of stitching,and the back having four rows like the MOM belt? Has anything been decided once,and for all about the different versions?
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It is all up to the "buyer's" preference. Like the next ESB belt I'm will have the 4 stitches in back, and the 2 in front. ;)

DL44 Blaster wrote:

Best Lloyd from "Dumb and Dumber",...."I like it alot". :) It came out totally awesome SC! Seeing one on a suited up Fett gives it dimension that a plain belt pic can't do.


BTW Will you do the ESB belt as seen in the "ESB 01" pic on the Fett ref. CD with just the top two rows of stitching,and the back having four rows like the MOM belt? Has anything been decided once,and for all about the different versions?
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OK, here is the finished, mother of all faux stitched leather ESB pouches! 4 pouches on the left, and 3 on the right ( :p ), and snaps glued on.


And, as usual, a big update to go along with it! Good news, and bad news. First the good news.
I have mastered the real stitching on the leather belts!!!


Bad news, I couldn't get it to work as wekk with the vinyl. I don't know if it's simply too soft or what, but most of the time, I can't get the needle to thread through the bobbin. :( You'll notice on the far left that it did sew stitch fine, but further down, it's coming undone, and in most spots, the needle simply made marks through the paint, exposing the white vinyl underneath.

So the leather has been mastered, but the vinyl still needs a little work.
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