Thank all [ introducing Voxmobile ]


Hi, let me introduce myself:

mi name is Dan i live in Juarez im a fan from star wars from 30 years, never go to celebration, !!
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Welcome to TDH, dude! Hey I've driven through El Paso during the night, and since Ciudad Juarez is right next to it, I was able to see all of it. Wow is that area populated ... lots of lights!
Welcome to TDH. I'm not sure you want to be posting your phone number on a forum though. :) Congrats on the new baby.
Yeah, you're right, I really have his number.

Glad you see this is funny.:facepalm

Ah but you do have his number, the whole world has his number... it's in his post at the beginning of the thread. Pretty sure Jaster TK-1580 wasn't laughing at your misfortune. :) Best of luck with your items.
Ah but you do have his number, the whole world has his number... it's in his post at the beginning of the thread. Pretty sure Jaster TK-1580 wasn't laughing at your misfortune. :) Best of luck with your items.
I tried to call, something to do with my service, not being able to call him, etc etc etc.
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