***TDH gathering at Dressing the Galaxy Sunday Nov 20th***

Star Wars Chick

Sr Hunter
Just thought I would see if we might be able to round up a group of us to hang out together on Sunday November 20th at the display and maybe have lunch together as well. A few members are already planning to be there that day so wanted to see if anyone else might be interested.
oh yes...I think I may have that weekend commited to something, but this would be a good way to get of it if I can. I will try to make it!!

Is the 20th fanday? They said that Ray Park asked if he could comeback for another day. I hope the 20th is it! :D
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Gonzo Fett said:
Is the 20th fanday?

I believe so. I was down there today meeting up with a friend and talked to Dennis, one of the guys who works there, and he mentioned fanday. I have his e-mail address now though so when I drop him a note I'll ask just to be sure.
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OH, OH, that is also the very last day of the GenCon Gaming Convention "The Best Four Days in Gaming" at the Anaheim Convention Center which my son and I were allready planning on attending in costume. Maybe we could split over there as a group too. That'd give them a site to see...a bunch of Mando's in costume.:thumbsup: Count us in.

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darn it, I will be there the weekend BEFORE this ! lol...lets move it to then !!
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....mmmmmmmmm...HollyWood must think and meditate on this one :lol:

BlackList Squadron
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Thought I'd bump this back to the top... thanks to Nellis moving around a bit... I'll be there. Might even have a friend with me. Would this be a normal meet or a (of course optional) costume meet?
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Think ill be able to go as well, what time is everyone planning on meeting there?
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My son and I were planning on being in costume most of the day for SoCal GenCon at the Anaheim Convention Center, but we'll change if nobody's planning on being in costume at FIDM.
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what time would it be at? I'm all about flying cross country for anything...might shell out a few for dinner and a meetin...
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