New Hunter
Hello guys,
its Richard from germany. Im already member of the 501st legion german garrison with an anh staff officer and a rotj vader. So its time to complete the original trilogy with an esb costume. I love iconic character so it should be the ESB Boba Fett. And i want it approvable fort he 501st.
Im just at the beginning of my research and i have about thousend questions, but one by one
I read a few wips and looked in a few threads – but there is so much to read! I will take the time for it.
But maybe u can help me with my currently most important question:
I have a head circumference of 60 cm (23,622 inch) and im 1,93m tall (6,3319 fett) and a bit afraid the helmet wont fit. Also the armor. A have a normal figure, not fat, not skinny.
I read about a few helmet vendor: bobamaker, rs props, animefan (isnt it a member here at the tdh?), machinecraft (he offers helmets? On the homepage i „only“ can find metallparts), i heard about a MYSTERY helmet (but dont know who is the vendor…very mysterious ) and i read about a TF helmet – but also dont know who is behind TF.
In my opinion – i would start with the helmet. If the helmet dont fit, i guess i cant realize the hole project, can i?
What do u think about? Maybe u have recommandations?
Thank u for ur support. I hope that we will realize my project together in the next few month and years.
its Richard from germany. Im already member of the 501st legion german garrison with an anh staff officer and a rotj vader. So its time to complete the original trilogy with an esb costume. I love iconic character so it should be the ESB Boba Fett. And i want it approvable fort he 501st.
Im just at the beginning of my research and i have about thousend questions, but one by one
I read a few wips and looked in a few threads – but there is so much to read! I will take the time for it.
But maybe u can help me with my currently most important question:
I have a head circumference of 60 cm (23,622 inch) and im 1,93m tall (6,3319 fett) and a bit afraid the helmet wont fit. Also the armor. A have a normal figure, not fat, not skinny.
I read about a few helmet vendor: bobamaker, rs props, animefan (isnt it a member here at the tdh?), machinecraft (he offers helmets? On the homepage i „only“ can find metallparts), i heard about a MYSTERY helmet (but dont know who is the vendor…very mysterious ) and i read about a TF helmet – but also dont know who is behind TF.
In my opinion – i would start with the helmet. If the helmet dont fit, i guess i cant realize the hole project, can i?
What do u think about? Maybe u have recommandations?
Thank u for ur support. I hope that we will realize my project together in the next few month and years.