Starting ESB Boba Fett - WIP


New Hunter
Hello guys,

its Richard from germany. Im already member of the 501st legion german garrison with an anh staff officer and a rotj vader. So its time to complete the original trilogy with an esb costume. I love iconic character so it should be the ESB Boba Fett. And i want it approvable fort he 501st.

Im just at the beginning of my research and i have about thousend questions, but one by one

I read a few wips and looked in a few threads – but there is so much to read! I will take the time for it.

But maybe u can help me with my currently most important question:

I have a head circumference of 60 cm (23,622 inch) and im 1,93m tall (6,3319 fett) and a bit afraid the helmet wont fit. Also the armor. A have a normal figure, not fat, not skinny.

I read about a few helmet vendor: bobamaker, rs props, animefan (isnt it a member here at the tdh?), machinecraft (he offers helmets? On the homepage i „only“ can find metallparts), i heard about a MYSTERY helmet (but dont know who is the vendor…very mysterious ) and i read about a TF helmet – but also dont know who is behind TF.

In my opinion – i would start with the helmet. If the helmet dont fit, i guess i cant realize the hole project, can i?

What do u think about? Maybe u have recommandations?

Thank u for ur support. I hope that we will realize my project together in the next few month and years.


Hey Richard. Glad to have you here.

I have an RS Props lineage helmet (which is almost identical to the Machine Craft helmet) and the inner circumference is around 70cm. Nothing beats a lineage helmet, except one of the original helmets.

The mystery helmets (there are/were at least 3-4 variants, I think) have enough problems in both size and shape to not be considered accurate, even if these can be traced back to the Pre-Pro #2 helmet. The TF stands for Terminal Fettler (also a member here) and while his helmet is fan made, it is beautifully constructed.

Have fun with your build!
If you're going with ESB and looking for a helmet I would suggest the following options:

1) A G2 MachineCraft or RS Props SE Hero helmet and having the damage removed to where it was for ESB filming.
2) A G4/G5 altered hero with damage already removed for an accurate ESB look. Viva Fett will be offering these shortly.
3) A FPH2 which will also be offered by Viva and also available else where by other vendors.

These would be the best options in my opinion for ESB paths.
Being in Germany, I’d say your best best is a G2 from RS Props. If you don’t want to repair it or paint it, I recommend having them send it to Lewis at Blaidon Props for a restoration to screen only damage. He is currently painting multiple helmets that you can follow his IG or elsewhere. He is also in the UK, so it is closer to you and might save you some headache or cost ok shipping from the US.
thank u guys - i see, this is the support i was looking for :D...

i agree, that a vendor from europe regarding customs etc. makes more sense. so indeed - rs is one of the first adress. (what du u think about the raw bobamaker helmet, its from europe too)

ill checked the rs propmasters website. unfortunataly the homepage is under "christmas construction" (damn it :D ).

if i understand correctly
having the damage removed to where it was for ESB filming

means that the helmet RS offers has more damage (cracks, scratches, dents, etc.) then on screen?

i found - for example - this
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hello guys,

its me again with the next question :D...for a newbie its very hart to assing the names and shortcuts to the vendor. can u confirn the following?

Machinecraft = MC = MRC = Dakota
Wasteland = Wastedfett, and VIVA FETT is his padawan?! :D

FHP = fettpride but is NOT wastedfett?

MF = Minute Fett
hello guys,

its me again with the next question :D...for a newbie its very hart to assing the names and shortcuts to the vendor. can u confirn the following?

Machinecraft = MC = MRC = Dakota
Wasteland = Wastedfett, and VIVA FETT is his padawan?! :D

FHP = fettpride but is NOT wastedfett?

MF = Minute Fett

FHP/FPH2 related to the helmet products that Fett Pride aka Chris Jones created. The trademark "Fett Pride" has been sold to MF=Minute Fett.

WastedFett sold his helmet and armor molds to Viva Fett in the end of summer.
hello guys,

here is my very first list. im grateful for your tips :)
HelmetBobamakervivafett (fugly von wastedfett)minutefett
jetpackBobamakerman of war
gauntletsBobamakerman of war
capewoodmannloanstarman of war
wookie braidfswoodmannjohofett
flak vestloanstar
neck sealloanstar
girth beltwoodmannloanstar
ammo beltwoodmannloanstar
hip poucheslonestar
glovesmike m.?
sidearm holsterBobamaker
shin toolsBobamakerscott props (facebook)
bootsimperialbootswastedfettman of warbzw. RS props SIND aber imperialboots
rangefinder kitjc27
hello guys,

here is my very first list. im grateful for your tips :)
HelmetBobamakervivafett (fugly von wastedfett)minutefett
jetpackBobamakerman of war
gauntletsBobamakerman of war
capewoodmannloanstarman of war
wookie braidfswoodmannjohofett
flak vestloanstar
neck sealloanstar
girth beltwoodmannloanstar
ammo beltwoodmannloanstar
hip poucheslonestar
glovesmike m.?
sidearm holsterBobamaker
shin toolsBobamakerscott props (facebook)
bootsimperialbootswastedfettman of warbzw. RS props SIND aber imperialboots
rangefinder kitjc27

I'm also starting on a ESB Fett in the near future. I was in the same boat as well. Where to order stuff since I'm from Holland (hi neighbor!) I ordered most soft parts and plan to get all the armor parts (minus helmet) from Bobamaker since he's located in Europe now. I will follow this build with great interest.
sooooooooo - i wrote imperialboots, but he didnt offe the boots anamore. so ich have to check the others.

btw - first items ordered by bobamaker :)
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