Star Wars Galaxies Mandalorian and Bounty Hunter armor PICS

Thinking about doing a custom Mandalorian and Bounty Hunter armor set based on SWG.

Bounty Hunter Assault Armor (Blacksun)

Mandalorian & Boba Fett

Composite Assault Armor

RIS Armor
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OH I miss the 1st 6 months of the game....

I'm gonna go sit in a corner and reminice (sp?) of all the great times I had trying to get my mando gear (which I think all I had was the boots)...and how I loved at the end, of my game play, hunting down Jedi....:cry
I'd go with the BH armor, can't stand the look of SOE's Mando armor. They made it impractical at some points, like the small strip above the knee. And the comp helm would really be rather deadly to wear since its supposed to seal your head in.
Yeah, I'm inclined to agree, I don't like the mando look in game, It didn't prevent me from finishing my set about a month ago though. If I were to do a armor from the game It would be Black Suns, BH armor.

Oh and on a diff note, Boba in game is like a mixed conversion of all 3 fett versions, his gauntlets look like ROTJ but are painted ESB, his jet pack is painted ROTJ, hes wearing prepro jumpsuit and gloves. His belt is like the crappy mando belt in game, and he has ROTJ ankle spats...
Sweet someone else who has the same idea's. I love SWG even know the nerfed it, I do reactivate my account a couple of tiems throught the year just to check up on it. I am not fond of the BH nor the DWB Mando. I am wanting to make a RIS and Composite armor. Think It would be sweet!
Yeah, I'm inclined to agree, I don't like the mando look in game, It didn't prevent me from finishing my set about a month ago though. If I were to do a armor from the game It would be Black Suns, BH armor.

Oh and on a diff note, Boba in game is like a mixed conversion of all 3 fett versions, his gauntlets look like ROTJ but are painted ESB, his jet pack is painted ROTJ, hes wearing prepro jumpsuit and gloves. His belt is like the crappy mando belt in game, and he has ROTJ ankle spats...
He isn't standing very Fett like either, he's kind of slunched over like he doesn't care about life anymore. Something about the shoulder bells on him don't look right either.
And as for ing mando I don't have to pay a dime for mine, I'm a CSR on an Emu server (still in alpha sadly) haha.
Oh and on a diff note, Boba in game is like a mixed conversion of all 3 fett versions, his gauntlets look like ROTJ but are painted ESB, his jet pack is painted ROTJ, hes wearing prepro jumpsuit and gloves. His belt is like the crappy mando belt in game, and he has ROTJ ankle spats...

yeah, you'd think that on something like a major star wars game, they'd get a main character's costume correct.
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