slave1pilot's ROTJ Boba progress thread


Well-Known Hunter
I found this on another forum
I thought I'd resurrect it here where it's safe from being deleted due to time constraints:lol:
I felt that some newer people might benefit from it

THis is where I was on Feb 26 2007

here's my Boba as it is progressing
I have all the parts I need to complete it (minus chest lights)
MS2 Helmet
Pavespawn ammo belt
Stateline Tack Girth (dyed by me)
Real Army Shelterhalf cape
RealGloves gloves
SFP Jumpsuit modified by crazy4bobafett
crazy4bobafett vest/neckseal , spats, pouches
BM armour
MLC2 Jet Pack
Caboots boots
Ruffkintoy gauntlets (Now Fettpride recasts) sorry Bros.
Aluminum beacon, stabilizer,studs,darts,toe spikes, & knee darts by various peeps
Shintools made from real Paterson parts by myself
here's the soft parts with the MS2 helmet

Here's some of the armour parts that are "done" or almostI have to wait until Friday to buy a new airbrush compressor to continue on with the painting
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here's some other pieces
The keypad is metal & made by a friend of mine.
infortunately, the Aurebesh is backwards, but that just makes it cooler
The Knee darts weren't on there when I first posted, but I included a pic of them as they are now




knee darts.jpg

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they are caboots with Russrepp spikes, the backing plates for the toe spikes were remade by me to better fit my wee feet :cry

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I sprayed the red part of the JP
I strayed from Lee's colors on this because I don't think the "Boxcar Red" is correct
I think it's a little too brown, I asked Lee & he assured me that the Boxcar is the correct color
I decided to use the "Wisconsin Central Maroon" (same as the gauntlet color) instead
LMK what you guys think on this subject
(The last pic is the AOSW real deal)



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here's the Jet Pack, all finished except the stabilzer & Beacon
This post was on March 4 07 (2 weeks after the first post)

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oh yeah, I also finished with the armour today (all except the left chest which I can't paint until I cut the slots for the chest lights that i don't have yet)
Posted on March 4th 2007 originally


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I haven't posted here in a few days
made a little progress
here ya go
all paint is layered, no topical scratches here
I realize that the RF itself isn't correct
I have an ROTJ from Bobamaker that will be installed before SDCC
This is from March 15th




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and now we jump way ahead to the finished item

this was posted March 26 2007 ( yeah that's right 1 month later!!)
don't tell me it takes years to do a Boba

a little youtube video of the first fitting

and some blurry pics of the same day

That hot chick taking the pics in the background of this one is crazy4bobafett
She gets the credit for the vest, spats, neckseal, & alterations on the SFP jumpsuit


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here's a few more from the same day, except these are clear
once they open in Imageshack, make sure to click on them for full size

and no Mando Thong, sorry guys can't do it
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all of the pics have been fixed
here's a few more from recent events
At slavefive's school charity with slavefive

me & Lewis.JPG
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Ruffkintoy gauntlets (Now Fettpride recasts) sorry Bros.

Huh? Come again? Someone just pointed me to this dated thread ... and to my surprise :confused I think a little clarification would be nice on that one?

I would hate to think this is the case. They do look like my gauntlets ... but one thing that did catch my attention, is Postmortem01 (JB) in the background, and I sent hm gauntlets personally. Is there a possibility you may have the gauntlets confused ? Great suit btw !


Huh? Come again? Someone just pointed me to this dated thread ... and to my surprise :confused I think a little clarification would be nice on that one?

I would hate to think this is the case. They do look like my gauntlets ... but one thing that did catch my attention, is Postmortem01 (JB) in the background, and I sent hm gauntlets personally. Is there a possibility you may have the gauntlets confused ? Great suit btw !



I said they were FettPride recasts because I believe that's what they are. I got them on ebay & don't remember the seller. It was a long time ago
I don't know for sure if they are recasts, But I wanted to give an accurate list of what parts I had used when i put my costume together
Postmortem01 is a friend of mine & yes he does have a set of your gauntlets.
No these are not them.Nor were they recast by him
I showed him the set i had & asked him for help in fixing them.
He said that he thought they were recasts due to their poor quality & to just get some new ones.
He showed me his real ones & they look the same, except mine are made of resin( I think yours were Fiberglass) & are really thin in spots & too thich in others.
I bought a set of Ruffkintoy's gauntlets from Chuck since I had bought sets from him before (painted, assembled, & sold on ebay)
I had every intention of using the Ruffkins, but they seemed oversized & the details a little soft ( that's 1 reason I said "sorry Bros" in my first post, the other is to you & the community for using recasts)
So I went back to the recasts to see how bad they actually were.
They needed a ton of work & the only parts that were salvagable were the top shells & the right bottom shell. The extra parts & greeblies were full of bubbles & warped. So I threw all of them out
The left bottom shell is a Ruffkintoy, as is the missile & top hose connector for the right gauntlet. I think the Dental expander is too.
The Flamethrower is a complete scratchbuild, as is the whipcord attachment. I made these myself ( kinda proud of that actually ;) )
I did the assembly, wiring, & painting too of course.
Quite a long story, but I wanted to ease everyone's minds
And thanks for the compliments & not jumping in & yelling "RECASTER ALERT!!!"
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