Sintra Gauntlet Q's


Active Hunter
For anyone who has made their gauntlets out of sintra, we have a few questions. First of all what did you use for templates? We're only talking about the base cup shaped part. Did you use paper mock ups, then trace them onto the sintra and cut it out?
Also what did you use to attach the two gauntlet halves? We've heard about Velcro and hinges but what has everyone used to attach the hinges to the actual sintra? Epoxy, goop?
Any help or suggestions would be great.
Thanks :)

If anyone else has any answers, please feel free to post.;)
well i didnt use any paper mock ups at first.i bent a piece of sintra larger than needed and trimed to fit my arm.only after i completed the first one i had a template for all the others.i havent decided on a method of attatching the halves, but i most likely will go with velcro.hope that helps somewhat.
I made a set of templates out of cardboard first. The thickness is much closer to sintra than paper or cardstock. I cut out the basic shapes and taped them together. It's very easy to make changes where you need them. For the clamshell pieces, I measured around my arms to get the basic diameter and length. Be sure to leave extra room for your flightsuit; you can always make them smaller if they're too big. The right gauntlet shells are 50/50, but the left is closer to 70/30. Most of the diameter of the left is on the bottom shell. I used epoxy for my hinges. Goop gives a good hold, but can be a little flexible. That can be prefered in some cases, but not with your hinges. PM me if you have more Q's. I've made sintra gauntlets twice. Out of neccesity b/c my first set was soooo baaad!

I'm trying to make my own gauntlets and I was wondering how to form the sintra once you buy some? I made my first set of gauntlets out of a plastic trash can and I know I can do better. They won't hold there shape.

Also, any ideas on making a jet pack out of sintra?
I riveted my hinges.... but then again i got Fibre Glass gauntlets... not sure if the Sintra may be to soft for rivets... maybe if you but plates inbetween...
don't mean to resurrect a REALLY old thread.. but I had a question for sintra gauntlets. What is the best thickness to use? I've seen 1-3 mm or even the 6 mm kind. Mine will be ultimately custom gauntlets. Thanks!
I used 1mm sheets for mine..
2 layers of 1mm for the lower clam and the 1mm for the extra 'ribs' that run around the top and bottom of the forearm.
hmmm... ok, 1 or 2 mm. sounds like that'll probably be what I go with... I'll be ordering mine tonight (I found a site). If there's anyone that wants to still weigh in, please post (and if you know where the cheapest place to get sintra is)

Thanks for all the input everyone!
hmmm... ok, 1 or 2 mm. sounds like that'll probably be what I go with... I'll be ordering mine tonight (I found a site). If there's anyone that wants to still weigh in, please post (and if you know where the cheapest place to get sintra is)

Thanks for all the input everyone!
I bought some PVC foam board (sintra) from Fed-Ex Kinkos........the shop near my house has a sign making service and they sell up to 3mm thick in large sheets. Seem to remember that it was pretty reasonably priced too. I should hopefully have some updated pics for my own WOF gauntlets scratch build in the next couple of days.....keep an eye for the post.
OK, I really feel like a noob for asking this (but I am...), but how do you go about attaching the sintra together? I've looked through a bunch of the tutorials, but most of them seemed experienced so they were using vocabulary that a new guy like me doesn't quite get. Could I use superglue with hardware reinforcement? Or do I need a paste or something else? I hear a lot about Bondo, but which specifically is it and how does it work with the gauntlet? Does it end up being hollow or filled in?

I'm also working on a custom scope/flashlight for my custom rifle (for my custom armor!). Its modeled after the Star Trek Phaser Rifle scope from First Contact. I was thinking of making that out of Sintra as well.

Thanks guys!
Well, Super glue or 5 min epoxy would be good for putting the sintra pieces together.

Bondo is a 2 part catalytic body filler used for car body work to fill dents and holes.

Its a styrene based putty and when you mix the hardening catalyst to the putty agent, it hardens in bout 10 mins after applying. That is what everyone uses as a seam filler smoothing agent on their gauntlets after glueing them.

Hope this helps a bit with your defining of pieces spiffy.
it does a lot! So then is Bondo necessary? I saw from pics that it fills in the corners and edges like you said, but (ideally) if all the edges were flush, would I need it? (I'm also concerned about crushing or if I accidentally smack my arm against a wall or... person...)
I can't help you with the bondo question but the scope one is easy enough. Go to your local hardware store and visit the PVC section. Connectors, elbows and whatever else. A little imagination and I'm sure you could figure something out.

I made one for my first E-11 blaster try. The center piece is a uncut 3/4 inch dia. connector. The eye piece is a uncut reducer. The front is the center of a 1/2 inch dia. connector that was threaded on both ends. To seal up the center piece so the reducer and connector chunck could be attached, I cut circles out of a dvd case.

Sorry, didn't know the scope was shaped like that. That looks easy enough to make from sintra. Get the best dimensions you can and make a template. Heat up that sintra and start bending. One thing I'm thinking of trying is buying modeling clay, make a sculpture and cook it to harden it, then use that as a mould. Not for vac forming, just small simple things.
Sorry, didn't know the scope was shaped like that. That looks easy enough to make from sintra. Get the best dimensions you can and make a template. Heat up that sintra and start bending. One thing I'm thinking of trying is buying modeling clay, make a sculpture and cook it to harden it, then use that as a mould. Not for vac forming, just small simple things.

no worries, your suggestion is quite intriguing. I already made some paper templates of the sides. I actually don't think I need to heat it up to bend except for the top though (which is good..)

So I should build a mould out of clay and then maybe put the sintra plates around it? Now I'd like to make it functional with a flashlight inside, so I'll probably make it hollow.

Now would people suggest the same for the gauntlets?
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