
Active Hunter
For our fan film Seven Jedi we have an assortment of bounty hunters called the Marauders. They are a combonation of mercenaries and pirates that hunt the jedi in the film.
Some inital designs and sketchs by our concept artist.





One of the footsoldiers costume test

Some of thier sniper rifles

Various marauder armor

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wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! real good stuff....real profecional concepts and props....
I want to see it, I want to help, I want to buy it.......OR WHATEVER!!!!!
keep updating this, and when you have something, pleasse whistleeeeeeeee!!
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More updates on some of the marauder armor, this particular armor was a very bad clone trooper armor, 3rd for 4th recast if Im not mistaken. also very oversized, so I am turning it into our marauder cyborg "Strykan" Adding various battle damage and showing some of the inner workings of our cyborg. Funky flash doesnt do paint scheme justice.


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This is two of the female marauder concepts "Cy'la" and "Zara'na"


my mannequin didnt have arms when i found her, hahaha!
beautiful work on the back plate workings please keep us up to date on your costumes and the movie progress itself from what ive seen for costumes and props i really would like to see the movie when finished again congratz on the work so far
Custom Mandolorian

Here is part of our custom armor for a mandalorian warrior character,


Helmet is still in the color scheme painting process.
i have to throw my congradulations in to, looking excellent. keep up the good work!:)
nice mod to the westars they give them a very personal feel like when officers in the old military would put ivory (or some thing to that nature) grips on there service revolvers. by the way where are you getting all the horns n stuff for your mods??? any who again fantastic work
nice mod to the westars they give them a very personal feel like when officers in the old military would put ivory (or some thing to that nature) grips on there service revolvers. by the way where are you getting all the horns n stuff for your mods??? any who again fantastic work
I find alot of stuff on ebay, random auctions that offer lots of goodies. I have about 4 dozen horns and tusks for the marauder armor and weapons.:cheers
Happy Aloha Friday!
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