Blaster ROTJ Recipe


Active Hunter
You will need:
One resin Webley kit (I recomend Sidewinder's :D )
Plastic pipe
Resin scope rings
assorted greeblies
plenty of 'T' shape material (I shall be using blast-tech flavour)

Ingredients pic:

fett parts.JPG
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Hey Sidewinder when do we get to see the rest?:love And are you gonna sell the ROTJ kits (cooling vanes, rings, greebles, ect.) to go with your Webley kit?:thumbsup:
When i've got it done, damn your impatient eyes!!!! :lol:
If enough people would be interested, then probably.


pennywise said:
Hey Sidewinder when do we get to see the rest?:love And are you gonna sell the ROTJ kits (cooling vanes, rings, greebles, ect.) to go with your Webley kit?:thumbsup:
Sidewinder said:
When i've got it done, damn your impatient eyes!!!! :lol:
If enough people would be interested, then probably.

:lol: Yeah, I was thinking you could even sell "resin" cooling vanes to keep the cost down. I don't know, just an idea.:thumbsup:
most of the guttering pipes (looks like them in your photo) in the US are rectangle/square (at least here - although I havent really looked hard yet) so the dia of pipe, and the pipes are usually much thicker than the uk types, so you supplying the pipes would be a great start/addition (hint, hint)...

pennywise said:
Hey Sidewinder when do we get to see the rest?:love And are you gonna sell the ROTJ kits (cooling vanes, rings, greebles, ect.) to go with your Webley kit?:thumbsup:
Caomhanach said:
most of the guttering pipes (looks like them in your photo) in the US are rectangle/square (at least here - although I havent really looked hard yet) so the dia of pipe, and the pipes are usually much thicker than the uk types, so you supplying the pipes would be a great start/addition (hint, hint)...
That's what I'm sayn! If you make a "complete kit" to go with the kit you already offer, I think you would probably get alot of interest.;)
I've done some aly blocks for the scope to sit on and am turning a biggish piece of aly for the muzzle based on pics of the real one.

Are lathe motors supposed to smoke?? :lol:

Regards pipes and the ROTJ, I would do the muzzle/barrel/T fins all as one piece so it could be slipped on over the webley barrel.

Pic now added - it's almost too good to paint!


fett muzzle.JPG
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I'm thinking of doing a casting of the whole lot as one piece, including the Webley bit seen in the pic. That way I could cast up just the finned/white bit or the whole lot depending on what people want/have already.

There is a handy layout diagram of the rib position on the barrel that I used (Ta whoever). Except it shows the front scope block replacing a section of one rib, whereas I believe it should go between two ribs. The photos of a real prop back this up.

Ribbed for your pleasure (Scope blocks not fixed in place.):

fett barrel.JPG
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Wow, that nozzle looks great... I see what you mean about not painting it, but the natural weathering (when it get's scratched) on it would look cool...
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