ROTJ helmet paint far. - NEW PICS POSTED 6/15

Jedi Bob

Well-Known Hunter
Well, this is what I have done so far. The upper cheek is not as dark as it looks in this shot. The lighting really effects it.

If you look careful you might see the painted-over tape used to mask the scratches. I still have some masking to do on the visor area. Hopefully I will finish after my neck situation is over.



BTW - BIG shout-out to Lynn for his "off-the-shelf" spray paint tips. I couldn't of done it without them. :D
Looking good bro!!!
I can't wait to see more.
I'm glad my colors are working out for you.
Alot of people like my bucket's colors and feel they are pretty good.

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Hey is that Green on the Dome Krylon Satin Italian Olive? Cuz it looks a lot like my Green I used on my reworked Jodo.
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Fett4u wrote:

Hey is that Green on the Dome Krylon Satin Italian Olive? Cuz it looks a lot like my Green I used on my reworked Jodo.

The green on the dome and lower cheeks is:
Rustoleum Satin - 7720 SAGE
" " - 7737 SPRUCE GREEN
Rustoleum Painters Touch - 1933 SAGE GREEN

For this color I had to slightly alter Lynn's colors as I was driving the Mrs. INSANE trying to find KRYLON SATIN SAGE - 3512.
I found the Rustoleum Satin Sage to be pretty close. I added the spruce green (just a bit) to bring the color just slightly close to my armor color. They DO NOT match, but there is a hint.
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I found the Italion Olive was pretty good, might even pass for fett. It was a little too light for my jodo so I misted with Camo olive Drab and a bit of hunter green.Did several alternating layers which seemed to give it a more " Grimey " green color. Then I used acyrlic Charcoal paint to create dirt and blast marks. My helmet Turned out great. When I put in a visor I will post pics here.
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Jedi-Bob wrote:

For this color I had to slightly alter Lynn's colors as I was driving the Mrs. INSANE trying to find KRYLON SATIN SAGE - 3512.

Krylon Satin sage 3512 is discontinued. I looked EVERYWHERE trying to find it. I finally found 3 cans at a K-Mart in a small town outside of Cincinnati on the border of Indiana. I bought all 3 cans they had left.
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Bob, looking really good, really, really good. Keep the good work. I see that also you did the same thing I did with the RF top and the lights. ;)

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