ROTJ Blaster prices on Ebay?

Jodo Kast 2749

Active Hunter
I was just curious how much you would expect to pay for a scratch built not-too-badly done ROTJ blaster on Ebay? A friend of mine liked my Rimshot blaster so much he wants to buy one off Ebay if one comes up.

I recommended a Rimshot blaster but he wants to shop around I guess.
$150-$200 is average. I sold one a while back for $250, but have seen some go for under $100. I'd stay clear of the ones with hollow stocks which are waaaaaaay off.
Well, there is "scratch built" in the sense of a .357 water pistol with a PVC tube glued over the end of it, and then there are "scratch built" resin copies of a real Webley. It all depends on how good of an eye (or level of reference) you have for what the real one should look like. I have seen real turds sell for a bunch on eBay because the seller said it was "accurate" or "looks like it came straight out of the movies" when in fact they were neither of the two. Do your blaster homework, and don't believe everything you read in item descriptions.
Thanks for the insight. Inspired by all this, I am whipping up a toy gun / pvc pipe blaster of my own. I think I definitely have the barrel too long but I'll post pics when I have some.
You can find some good ones under $100 and some really really good ones go for $300+.
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