Riddell Miniature Vs. ESB Screen Helmet


Well-Known Hunter
I am curious if anyone has done a comparison of the Riddell Miniature to the ESB screen used Helmet. Are the colors accurate to use as a good reference in finding the actual colors? Is the weathering correct? As a side question, has anyone tried to recreate the interior in their own helmet to give it a "cooler" and "functional" look?
The Riddell helmet uses much lighter colors than the real deal. mlcallanta did a mock-up of the interior, but I don't know if he ever found a supplier to make that project become a reality.
The riddell helmet uses a hunter green color for both the back and the cheeks. The ESB actually uses dark grey for the cheeks and a green-blue color for the back. The main silver damage is pretty much correctly placed on the riddell.
No, it's an ESB helmet.

Yes, the placement of the scratches and colors are roughly ESB. I would not recommend using it at all for reference if you are planning to do an accurate ESB helmet.
A long time ago, someone on the RPF went to the AOSW exhibit in the UK and color matched the ESB Fett helmet to Pantone swatches. He got the exact Pantone color numbers but I don't believe he ever publically posted the information. Anyone remember who that was? and is he a member of TDH? Cuz THAT'S the info we all need!!
Thanks for the help. I guess the only reason I need the Riddell now is for a cool reference to make my interior.

tylerdurden wrote:

The base color of of the AOSW Fett helmet (ESB) has already been 99.9% identified by Rouge Studios in this thread:



From the above thread, how accurate are these colors?

BOBA PHAT wrote:

  1. <LI> Panzer Olivegrun 1943-Testors-Dome /Cheeks
    <LI> Red Primer-Rustoleum-Visor /Keyholes
    <LI> Weathered Black-Floquil-Underside Cheeks
    <LI> Euro Gray-Testors-Gray Scratches
    <LI> Bright Silver-Floquil-Silver Scratches
    <LI> Dullcoat-Testors-Finish
    <LI> ?Equipment Yellow-Wal Mart-Stripes
    <LI> ?Pumpkin Orange-Krylon-Back Stripes
    <LI> ?Imperial Japanese Navy Green-Testors-Back of Helmet
    <LI> ?Panzer Dunkelgelb 1943-Testors-Right Ear /Back Scratches
    <LI> ?Gunmetal-Testors-Weathering Underside Cheeks
    <LI> ?Undecided Purple-?-Visor Scratches
    <LI> ?Spruce Green-Rustoleum-Left Earpiece
    <LI> ?Undecided Red-?-Left Earpiece

BOBA PHAT wrote:

  1. <LI> Panzer Olivegrun 1943-Testors-Dome /Cheeks
    <LI> Red Primer-Rustoleum-Visor /Keyholes RUST (TESTORS)
    <LI> Weathered Black-Floquil-Underside Cheeks BRUNSWICK GREEN(FLOQUIL)
    <LI> Euro Gray-Testors-Gray Scratches
    <LI> Bright Silver-Floquil-Silver Scratches
    <LI> Dullcoat-Testors-Finish
    <LI> ?Equipment Yellow-Wal Mart-Stripes
    <LI> ?Pumpkin Orange-Krylon-Back Stripes
    <LI> ?Imperial Japanese Navy Green-Testors-Back of Helmet CUSTOM MIX (THIS COLOR MIXED WITH BLUE AND A HUNTER GREEN)
    <LI> ?Panzer Dunkelgelb 1943-Testors-Right Ear /Back Scratches DEPOT BUFF (FLOQUIL)
    <LI> ?Gunmetal-Testors-Weathering Underside Cheeks NOT NECESS W/ NEW DARKER COLOR
    <LI> ?Undecided Purple-?-Visor Scratches RUST(TESTORS) MIXED W/ BLACK
    <LI> ?Spruce Green-Rustoleum-Left Earpiece MEDIUM GREEN/ OLIVE GREEN (TESTORS)
    <LI> ?Undecided Red-?-Left Earpiece BURGANDY(KRYLON)

That was written a while ago. All the changes in color I've made from that list I've put in bold type. It's coming along very slowly, but looks good so far.
I can say this much about accuracy (all due respect to all) and that is if you us any other paint other than floquil(Polly S now) you are using the wrong color and the wrong paint. Anything from Wal-mart should not be on anyones accuracy list. Keep the faith I'll post a complete list of colors in August/1st week Sept for the entire suit I have even ID'd the yellow color around the scratches on the ROTJ. Hey we've waited 20 years vs. 2 months isn't going to matter.

I realize some folks are income dependent and shelling out bucks for paint and airbrush is not within budget but these bottles of paint are only $3-5 a piece and it takes approx 20 different colors to paint the entire suit and that is less than most folks have in any portion of their suit.

I'm more than happy to help out but god willing and a few other players involved I should have a suit ready to go for Dragon Con I kind of wanted to people to see the suit in person vs. pictures then I wanted to give out the colors...I hope to dish them early at the TDH dinner too if I can stop grubbing the chow LOL I'm going to eat like crazy that week been starving for months I need a bad food week. After the whole con thing I wanted to make myself more open to questions etc. I have been buried with working on the suit and tiling my house and I'm stalled until I get a few key componets like boots and undersuit..if those aren't done or up to speed then I'll pretty bummed but by the end of this month the picture should be clearer.


Rogue Studios wrote:

Hey we've waited 20 years vs. 2 months isn't going to matter.

Personally I don't mind waiting. I've got a mystery helmet just itching to be painted, but I figure I might as well wait and do it right. It'll be worth it. :)

Of course, having a seemingly endless list of Fett components to work on in the meantime helps. :lol:

I have the mand color and the back of the helmet ROTJ...I also have the gauntlets and shoulder bells done as well , even the slight purplish hue on the ROTJ guants. I''ll have an SE suit with me at Dragon if all goes well so the pack is pretty much done too.

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