Requesting info on MH (any version) or alternative to DP

  • Thread starter Thread starter jt001
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Well, as said on one of my previous posts, my DP helmet is pretty warped, and it's being a pain to fix :facepalm

I'd loooooove to get info on how to get a better version of a fett helmet. I've read some info on the MH, MH1 and MH2.

Could someone please PM info on an alternative to a DP helmet? (Although I'm new here, some members of the RPF could vouch for me :)) I'm RA's webmaster, too, so he can also vouch for me :))

Thanks a lot guys!!!!! :)


jt001 wrote:

Well, as said on one of my previous posts, my DP helmet is pretty warped, and it's being a pain to fix :facepalm

I'd loooooove to get info on how to get a better version of a fett helmet. I've read some info on the MH, MH1 and MH2.

Could someone please PM info on an alternative to a DP helmet? (Although I'm new here, some members of the RPF could vouch for me :)) I'm RA's webmaster, too, so he can also vouch for me :))

Thanks a lot guys!!!!! :)

PM sent ;)

PropReplicator wrote:

Me too! I've been sending e-mail after e-mail to a certain someone here, with no replies. :(


Hey'ya Wayne,

My monitor burned out and I was offline for about three weeks. When I got back on, there were so many MH questions that I've decided to make a new mold.

If anyone here hasn't heard from me yet, I'm going to draft a sort of form letter to send to everyone that will hopefully address all the questions, this weekend.

Before I start the new mold though, I've got some Hannibal heads to get out. :)


A New mold!
Now THAT's some good news!
Hope I get one! Mail sent!!!

Sheesh, now I'll not be able to sleep until I get a reply! :lol:

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