RafalFett's Boba Fett 3D Projects

The 10th post was updated with the right gauntlet hose connector with access door model (at the More images and Shapeways links):
Right Gauntlet Connector Final With Bottom Door 06_2.jpg

This approach is similar to the one made by Ord Mantell on his ESB build thread ==> Ord Mantell's ESB build.
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Are your models still available to download through shapeway?
I created an account but didn't see any download button in the description when viewing some of your models.
Are your models still available to download through shapeway?
I created an account but didn't see any download button in the description when viewing some of your models.

Most of the models are available for download together with the larger item. For example: I can't download the Left Ear by itself but I can download the Helmet Ears with Range Finder and Stalk and slice out the left ear to print.

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