RafalFett's Boba Fett 3D Projects


Well-Known Hunter
Somewhere in November of 2013 I had a crazy idea: to do a jetpack template using all the available images. So, I managed to do most of the basic drawings and was satisfied by the results:

Jetpack Drawings.jpg

Then came the winter holidays vacation and somehow my hunger for working on things related to Boba Fett vanished... My only explanation for this is that I have reached the saturation level, which happens when you do a thing for a long time, or eat the same food each day (the same thing happened in the first half of 2013 before I managed to finish the RWH v2 templates and build).

In early May I got the bug back while I saw some 3D models and I said to myself that I have to try to do the jetpack in 3D. But without proper introduction or knowledge for such programs, I failed big time, so I dropped this approach. After 2-3 weeks I saw an online tutorial and a new world opened before me: the world of 3D. Armed with SketchUp Pro, I started experimenting on shapes and forms following the step-by-step online tutorials and parts of the jetpack were created using my 2D drawings as a guide:

Jetpack And Parts.jpg

(Notice the segmented circles on the jetpack rocket and its base. I did them with the default 24 segments, while the jetpack trusters were made with 96 segments, so I'll need to redo the jetpack and the rocket).

Update - 30.11.2014
Managed to redo and finish the jetpack with all the greeblies (I used mainly the ESB era jetpacks as a guide), but sadly the main body will not be 3D printable as I didn't added wall thickness to the model (see the update from 30.06.2015 that corrects this statement); all the other parts will be posted as 3D printable models until the end of this year. While this is far from being perfect, it is still a beautiful piece and I love it... a lot! On to the images:


Link to more images ==> Jetpack And Its Parts

3D Models:
Printables ==> Jetpack And Its Parts
3D Warehouse ==> Jetpack Body & Back Door; Jetpack Tank Caps; Jetpack Rocket Base with Collar; Jetpack Rocket; Jetpack Hooks; Jetpack Vent And Door Clamps; Jetpack Greeblies
Shapeways ==> Jetpack Body & Back Door; Jetpack Tank Caps; Jetpack Rocket Base with Collar; Jetpack Rocket; Jetpack Rocket Hollow; Jetpack Hooks; Jetpack Vent And Door Clamps; Jetpack Greeblies

Update - 14.12.2014
The link to more images was updated with images of all the jetpack parts and the jetpack body. I also added all the links to the 3D models. Because I can't upload the jetpack body to Shapeways (the body is not 3D printable - sorry), I will add the model archived in a ZIP file:


Update - 30.06.2015
The attachment of the jetpack body archived in a ZIP file was removed as I managed to do a printable 3D model of the jetpack.

Thruster Views.jpg Thruster Nozzle Views.jpg

Link to more images ==> Jetpack Thrusters; Jetpack Thruster Nozzle

3D Models:
Printables ==> Jetpack And Its Parts
3D Warehouse ==> Jetpack Thrusters; Jetpack Thruster Nozzle
Shapeways ==> Jetpack Thrusters; Jetpack Thruster Nozzle

This hunger lead to other Boba Fett parts too, at first pieces for the jetpack, like the beacon and the knob

Beacon Views.jpg

Link to more images ==> Jetpack Beacons

3D Models:
Printables ==> Jetpack And Its Parts
3D Warehouse ==> ESB & ROTJ Jetpack Beacon; Pre-Pro & Promo Jetpack Beacon
Shapeways ==> ESB & ROTJ Jetpack Beacon; Pre-Pro & Promo Jetpack Beacon

Jetpack Adjustment Knob Views.jpg

Link to more images ==> Jetpack Adjustment Knob

3D Models:
Printables ==> Jetpack And Its Parts
3D Warehouse ==> Jetpack Adjustment Knob
Shapeways ==> Jetpack Adjustment Knob

...then the gauntlet darts and the Eveready Minilight (complete with batteries and light bulb)

Gauntlet Dart Views.jpg

Link to more images ==> Gauntlet Darts

3D Models:
Printables ==> Gauntlet Parts
3D Warehouse ==> Gauntlet Darts
Shapeways ==> Gauntlet Darts

Ever Ready Minilight Views & Sections.jpg

Link to more images ==> Eveready Minilight

3D Models:
Printables ==> Gauntlet Parts
3D Warehouse ==> Eveready Minilight
Shapeways ==> Eveready Minilight, Eveready Minilight Button

... the boot spikes and the knee darts

Boot Plate Views.jpg

Link to more images ==> Boot Plate With Spikes

3D Models:
Printables ==> Misc Models
3D Warehouse ==> ESB Era Boot Plate With Spikes; ROTJ Era Boot Plate With Spikes
Shapeways ==> ESB Era Boot Plate With Spikes; ROTJ Era Boot Plate With Spikes

Knee Dart Views.jpg

Link to more images ==> Knee Darts

3D Models:
Printables ==> Misc Models
3D Warehouse ==> ESB Era Knee Darts; ROTJ Era Knee Darts
Shapeways ==> ESB Era Knee Darts; ROTJ Era Knee Darts

... the shin tools

Shin Tool Views.jpg

Link to more images ==> Shin Tools

3D Models:
Printables ==> Shin Tools
3D Warehouse ==> Sonic Beam Weapon; Survival Knife; Anti-Security Blade (ST, PP1 & ROTJ); Anti-Security Blade (PP1, PP2, PP3, P1, P2 & ESB); Jetpack Adjustment Tool (2 different ends)
Shapeways ==> Sonic Beam Weapon; Survival Knife; Anti-Security Blade (ST, PP1 & ROTJ); Anti-Security Blade (PP1, PP2, PP3, P1, P2 & ESB); Jetpack Adjustment Tool (2 different ends); Jetpack Adjustment Tool Variant

... and finally the helmet ears with rangefinder and the greeblies:

Ear Views.jpg

Link to more images ==> Helmet Ears With Rangefinder Stalk

3D Models:
Printables ==> Helmets and Parts
3D Warehouse ==> Helmet Ears With Rangefinder Stalk
Shapeways ==> Helmet Ears With Rangefinder Stalk

Rangefinder Views.jpg

Link to more images ==> Rangefinder Casing And Parts

3D Models:
Printables ==> Helmets and Parts
3D Warehouse ==> Rangefinder Casings; Rangefinder Clear Parts; Rangefinder Complete Casings

Helmet Greeblie Views.jpg

Link to more images ==> Helmet Greeblies And Electronics

3D Models:
Printables ==> Helmets and Parts
3D Warehouse ==> Helmet Greeblies And Electronics
Shapeways ==> Casio MQ-1 Circuit Board; Honeywell Micro Switch; Borden Connector; Dental Files; Helmet Electronics

Update - 20.12.2014
Updated the helmet greeblies and electronics links with the helmet inner electronics.

I'll add links with more images in the next few days. I'm also willing to share the 3D files, just want to know to which types I should export them.

Update - 23.07.2014
Added links with lots of images.

Update - 26.07.2014
Here is the gauntlet rocket:

Gauntlet Rocket Views.jpg

Link to more images ==> Gauntlet Rocket

3D Models:
Printables ==> Gauntlet Parts
3D Warehouse ==> Gauntlet Rocket
Shapeways ==> Gauntlet Rocket

Update - 29.07.2014
Finished the shoulder and cod stud with plates:

Shoulder & Cod Studs Views.jpg

Link to more images ==> Shoulder And Cod Studs With Plates

3D Models:
Printables ==> Misc Models
3D Warehouse ==> Shoulder Studs With Plate; Cod Studs With Plate
Shapeways ==> Shoulder Studs With Plate; Cod Studs With Plate

And my Panorama hand telescope, which 99% close to the one used for the Supertrooper/Pre-Pro/Promo sling gun:

Telescope Views.jpg

Link to more images ==> Panorama Hand Telescope

3D Models:
Shapeways ==> Panorama Hand Telescope
3D Warehouse ==> Panorama Hand Telescope

Update - 30.07.2014
I added links to Shapeways for each model.

It seems that in the conversion process, the model got some extra walls (one is on the inner part of the Eveready Minilight, and the other is on the sonic beam weapon). I'll post the models on the Sketchup 3D Warehouse too, but that will be in this weekend.

Update - 01.08.2014
I managed to open the STL files in SolidWorks and all the models are fine. The errors/walls that appear on Shapeways are created by their 3D engine. What a relief!

Update - 12.10.2014
Here are all the parts used on the Supertrooper automatic blaster, more exactly the aluminum plate and its components:

ST Blaster Parts.jpg

Link to more images ==> Supertrooper automatic blaster aluminum plate and parts

3D Models:
Printables ==> Misc Models
3D Warehouse ==> Supertrooper automatic blaster aluminum plate and part
Shapeways ==> Supertrooper automatic blaster aluminum plate and part, Glenross dental expansion screw

(Update - 21.12.2014
Here is my interpretation of the ESB EE-3 Blaster Center Greeble)

Update - 25.11.2018
Due to the recent discovery of the original part used (an Unimax fail-safe switch type “O”, discovered by lonepigeon; the announcement thread is here ==> ESB blaster red mystery box discovered!), I redid the ESB EE-3 blaster stock center greeble:

Stock Center Greeble.jpg

Link to more images ==> ESB EE-3 Blaster Center Greeble

3D Models:
Printables ==> Boba Fett EE-3 Blaster Parts
Shapeways ==> ESB EE-3 Blaster Center Greeble
3D Warehouse ==> ESB EE-3 Blaster Center Greeble

And an interesting fact regarding this greeble:

ESB EE-3 Blaster Center Greeble Positions.jpg

It seems that this part was originally glued to the stock rotated to right with 90 degree, but in the other scenes changed its orientation with 90 degree to the left. The logical reason for this is that these pieces glued to the blaster fall off often and were re-glued in a hurry.

Update - 25.01.2015
Finally I managed to finish all the Boba Fett helmets: the Supertrooper (clean/dentless), the Pre-Pro #1 (with the gash) and the other versions (with the dent).


Link to more images ==> Supertrooper Helmet (dentless); Pre-Pro #1 Helmet (gash); Boba Fett Helmet (dented)

3D Models:
Printables ==> Helmets and Parts
3D Warehouse ==> Supertrooper Helmet (dentless); Pre-Pro #1 Helmet (gash); Boba Fett Helmet (dented)
Shapeways ==> Supertrooper Helmet (dentless); Pre-Pro #1 Helmet (gash); Boba Fett Helmet (dented)

Update - 31.01.2015
Here is my take on the functional Pre-Pro #1 collar buckle/clip.

Update - 15.03.2015
The old file was updated with a more accurate model based on the one discovered by Seeker and posted by Art here ==> Boba Fett 1st Prototype Cape Clip - IDENTIFIED AND IN HAND!:

PP1 Collar Buckle.jpg

Link to more images ==> Pre-Pro #1 Collar Buckle With Clip

3D Models:
Printables ==> Misc Models
3D Warehouse ==> Pre-Pro #1 Collar Buckle With Clip
Shapeways ==> Pre-Pro #1 Collar Buckle Body & Clip; PP1 Collar Buckle Restraint Button & Bolts

Update - 14.06.2015
Because of the 24 attachments/post restriction I will add my 3D models to post #10, in this case the jetpack frame with rings (quick jump here ==> Post #10).
Also most of the models are now for sale, so now you can order your favorite model through my Shapeways Shop or download it for free and use it with your 3D printer.

Have fun!
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So when will we see some JP Paint templates?!?!? :D

Gonna have people printing their whole fett soon
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I am starting to look at a 3d printer. I would like to eventually be able to sell an entire rf kit; topper, stalk, light kit and servo system eventually. The rf topper looks really good.
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I am starting to look at a 3d printer. I would like to eventually be able to sell an entire rf kit; topper, stalk, light kit and servo system eventually. The rf topper looks really good.

It does looks sorta accurate...haha ONLY thing I see wrong with the Topper, is the black part isnt black plastic, but painted black, if you wanna get technical
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It has been REVEALED! Very nice my friend....very nice :thumbsup:

Yup keeping my big mouth closed was indeed hard, Great work and as always greatly appreciated.

I’m thinking about printing these out and plastering them around my shop as art! If thats ok Levi?
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Update - 14.06.2015
Here is the 3D Model of the jetpack frame with rings.

Update - 15.06.2015
Just did some modifications to the frame, more exactly the lower rings were inclined down with 10 degree, while the lower support ends were inclined to the back with 8 degree to allow the lower hooks of the jetpack to sit more comfortable.

Jetpack Frame.jpg

Link to more images ==> Jetpack Frame with Rings

3D Models:
Printables ==> Jetpack Frame with Belt Buckle
3D Warehouse ==> Jetpack Frame with Rings
Shapeways ==> Jetpack Frame with Rings

3D model of the MQ-1 keypad:

MQ-1 Keypad.jpg

Link to more images ==> MQ-1 Keypad

3D Models:
Printables ==> Gauntlet Parts
3D Warehouse ==> MQ-1 Keypad
Shapeways ==> MQ-1 Keypad

3D model of the MQ-1 battery cover:

MQ-1 Battery Cover.jpg

Link to more images ==> MQ-1 Battery Cover

3D Models:
Printables ==> Gauntlet Parts
3D Warehouse ==> MQ-1 Battery Cover
Shapeways ==> MQ-1 Battery Cover

3D model of the Supertrooper/Pre-Pro #1 Sling Gun:

ST Sling Gun.jpg

Link to more images ==> Supertrooper/Pre-Pro #1 Sling Gun

3D Models:
Printables ==> Sling Guns
3D Warehouse ==> Supertrooper/Pre-Pro #1 Sling Gun
Shapeways ==> Supertrooper/Pre-Pro #1 Sling Gun

3D model of the Pre-Pro #2/Promo Sling Gun:

PP2 Sling Gun.jpg

Link to more images ==> Pre-Pro #2/Promo Sling Gun

3D Models:
Printables ==> Sling Guns
3D Warehouse ==> Pre-Pro #2/Promo Sling Gun
Shapeways ==> Pre-Pro #2/Promo Sling Gun

3D model of the Belt Buckle (all versions except Supertrooper/Pre-Pro #1):


Link to more images ==> Belt Buckle

3D Models:
Printables ==> Jetpack Frame with Belt Buckle
3D Warehouse ==> Belt Buckle
Shapeways ==> Belt Buckle

3D model of the Webley Flare Gun (the base for the ESB and ROTJ EE-3):

Webley Flaregun.jpg

Link to more images ==> Webley Flare Gun

3D Models:
Printables ==> Webley Flare Gun
3D Warehouse ==> Webley Flare Gun
Shapeways ==> Full: Webley Flare Gun; Parts breakdown: Webley Flare Gun Stock; Webley Flare Gun D-Bracket; Webley Flare Gun Handle Grip; Webley Flare Gun Mechanical Parts; Webley Flare Gun Barrel

3D model of the ESB EE-3 Blaster:

ESB EE-3 Blaster Parts.jpg

Link to more images ==> ESB EE-3 Blaster

3D Models:
Printables ==> ESB EE-3 Blaster Parts
3D Warehouse ==> ESB EE-3 Blaster
Shapeways ==> ESB EE-3 Stock Greeblies; ESB EE-3 Body Greeblies; ESB EE-3 Barrel Greeblies; ESB EE-3 Scope; ESB EE-3 MPP Tube

3D model of the ROTJ EE-3 Blaster:

ROTJ EE-3 Blaster Parts.jpg

Link to more images ==> ROTJ EE-3 Blaster

3D Models:
Printables ==> ROTJ EE-3 Blaster Parts
3D Warehouse ==> ROTJ EE-3 Blaster
Shapeways ==> ROTJ EE-3 Stock Greeblies; ROTJ EE-3 Body Greeblies; ROTJ EE-3 Body Barrel; ROTJ EE-3 Scope; ROTJ EE-3 Barrel

3D model of the RMQ (Ralph McQuarrie) Concept Helmet Respirators:

RMQ Concept Helmet Respirators.jpg

Link to more images ==> RMQ Concept Helmet Respirators

3D Models:
Shapeways ==> RMQ Concept Helmet Respirators
3D Warehouse ==> RMQ Concept Helmet Respirators

3D model of the ESB Sidearm:

ESB Sidearm.jpg

Link to more images ==> ESB Sidearm Unmodified

3D Models:
Printables ==> ESB Sidearm
3D Warehouse ==> ESB Sidearm Unmodified
Shapeways ==> ESB Sidearm Unmodified

Update - 07.02.2019
Due to new info provided by Art Andrews (thank you; here is the reveal thread ==> General - Boba Fett Pulce 40 Empire Strikes Back Pistol) I did a modified version of the ESB Sidearm model:

ESB Sidearm Original.jpg

3D Models:
Printables ==> ESB Sidearm
Shapeways ==> ESB Sidearm Original

3D model of the Helmet Chin Cup:

Chin Cup.jpg

Link to more images ==> Helmet Chin Cup

3D Models:
Printables ==> Helmets and Parts
3D Warehouse ==> Helmet Chin Cup
Shapeways ==> Helmet Chin Cup

3D model of the Supertrooper/Pre-Pro #1 Uzi Rotring & Parts:

ST Uzi Rotring.jpg

Link to more images ==> Supertrooper/Pre-Pro #1 Uzi Rotring & Parts

3D Models:
Printables ==> Misc Models
3D Warehouse ==> Supertrooper/Pre-Pro #1 Uzi Rotring & Parts
Shapeways ==> Supertrooper/Pre-Pro #1 Uzi Rotring & Parts

3D model of the Supertrooper/Boba Fett Armor:

Full Armor.jpg

(Note that this is the undented version. Not sure when I will do all the dented variants...)

Link to more images ==> Supertrooper/Boba Fett Armor

3D Models:
Printables ==> Supertrooper/Boba Fett Armor (no gauntlets)
3D Warehouse ==> Supertrooper/Boba Fett Armor
Shapeways ==> Supertrooper/Boba Fett Right Chest Plate; Supertrooper/Boba Fett Left Chest Plate; Supertrooper/Boba Fett Center Diamond; Supertrooper/Boba Fett Abdominal Plate; Supertrooper/Boba Fett Collar Plate; Supertrooper/Boba Fett Back Plate; Supertrooper/Boba Fett Cod Plate; Supertrooper/Boba Fett Back Belt; Supertrooper/Boba Fett Shoulder Bells; Supertrooper/Boba Fett Knee Pads

3D models of the ROTJ Hero and ROTJ SE/ANH SE flamethrower:

ROTJ Flamethrower.jpg

Note that the only difference between the models is the extra lip on the ROTJ Hero flamethrower nozzle housing.

Link to more images ==> ROTJ Flamethrower

3D Models:
Printables ==> Boba Fett Gauntlet Parts
3D Warehouse ==> ROTJ Hero Flamethrower; ROTJ SE/ANH SE Flamethrower
Shapeways ==> ROTJ Hero Flamethrower; ROTJ SE/ANH SE Flamethrower

3D models of the Pre-Pro #2 flamethrower:

PP2 Flamethrower.jpg

One of the Shapeways model is with the flamethrower in extended position and the other is in the closed position.

Link to more images ==> Pre-Pro #2 Flamethrower

3D Models:
Printables ==> Boba Fett Gauntlet Parts
3D Warehouse ==> Pre-Pro #2 Flamethrower
Shapeways ==> Pre-Pro #2 Flamethrower Extended; Pre-Pro #2 Flamethrower Closed

3D model of the Supertrooper/Pre-Pro #1 Flamethrower:

ST Flamethrower.jpg

Link for more images ==> Supertrooper/Pre-Pro #1 Flamethrower

3D Models:
Printables ==> Boba Fett Gauntlet Parts
3D Warehouse ==> Supertrooper/Pre-Pro #1 Flamethrower
Shapeways ==> Supertrooper/Pre-Pro #1 Flamethrower Full 1 Piece; Supertrooper/Pre-Pro #1 Flamethrower Casing; Supertrooper/Pre-Pro #1 Flamethrower Inner Copper Parts; Supertrooper/Pre-Pro #1 Flamethrower Inner Aluminum Parts

3D model of the Right Gauntlet Laser:
Right Gauntlet Laser.jpg

Link for more images ==> Right Gauntlet Laser

3D Models:
Printables ==> Boba Fett Gauntlet Parts
3D Warehouse ==> Right Gauntlet Laser
Shapeways ==> Right Gauntlet Laser Casing; Right Gauntlet Laser Full

3D model of the Right Gauntlet Hose Connector:
Right Gauntlet Hose Connector.jpg
The right gauntlet model was made by stormtrooperguy (I hope he won't mind showing off his work) and I used it just for fun to show my models (hose connector, laser and darts) attached to it. The model of the 3,5mm jacks were downloaded from 3D Warehouse and added to the model to complete the general view.

Link for more images ==> Right Gauntlet Hose Connector

3D Models:
Printables ==> Boba Fett Gauntlet Parts
3D Warehouse ==> Right Gauntlet Hose Connector
Shapeways ==> Right Gauntlet Hose Connector; Right Gauntlet Hose Connector with Access Door

Content of the original post:

Wow. Just wow.


dude...DUDE....holy han in carbonite! You are a machine Raf!!!! this is beyond awesome!!!

Thanks a lot!

It has been REVEALED! Very nice my friend....very nice

Yes, it took me a while to post these, as I wanted to be sure that everything looks fine. Thanks for your support!

So when will we see some JP Paint templates?!?!?

Gonna have people printing their whole fett soon

I have in my plans to do the jetpack stencils too, but first I should finish the templates to use them as a base for the stencils.

I am starting to look at a 3d printer. I would like to eventually be able to sell an entire rf kit; topper, stalk, light kit and servo system eventually. The rf topper looks really good.

That would be great!

Yup keeping my big mouth closed was indeed hard, Great work and as always greatly appreciated.

I’m thinking about printing these out and plastering them around my shop as art! If thats ok Levi?

Thanks! I don't mind! My work was, is, and hopefully will be always free for all.

Wow Levi! These belong in the Smithsonian!

Thanks a lot!
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The man strikes again! Looks good ! Could have used the base and top template for the my pack 6 months ago for my build but did my own, may have to use yours when they are finished to do another pack, wish I had computer skills to something this good.
The man strikes again! Looks good ! Could have used the base and top template for the my pack 6 months ago for my build but did my own, may have to use yours when they are finished to do another pack, wish I had computer skills to something this good.

Thanks! I hope I will finish the model and the templates until then.

Great work Raf


This is amazing work.

Thanks a lot!
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The end of the first post was updated with the shoulder and cod stud with plates model, but also with the Panorama hand telescope model, which is a very close candidate for the Supertrooper/Pre-Pro/Promo sling gun barrel.
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Added links to Shapeways for each 3D model at the first post. I will add links to Sketchup 3D Warehouse too in this weekend.
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I managed to open the STL files in SolidWorks and all the models are fine. The errors/walls that appear on Shapeways are created by their 3D engine. What a relief!
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Oh man. . . how awesome! Can't imagine how many hours/days went into
creating these files. You've proven again how skilled and generous you are!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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