Pre pro 1 build


been a member here for a while and have posted a couple helmet paint ups and my ESB build but this time I'm going in the direction of pre pro 1 !

It started a while ago when I got a old fiberglass MLC helmet that had no dent but had the scratch put in . Painted it up and fell in love and after a long debate I've decided to build the whole costum .

I have a couple things on order and am in talks with a couple vendors now for more parts . I'll update this as I go along but it will take a while .





I know there is no official CRL for this costume so my understanding is that I have to submit to my GML and he will send photos to the BHG for approval . Is this correct ? Also I got some Martin baker buckles in but they aren't exactly right but it just says in the mock CRL that a vintage side buckle is ok

I also have built or began to build my flame thrower . It was built from templates here and made out of abs . This is in preparation of my gauntlet arrival


I've been slowly acquiring parts for a pp1 build as well. I cant go full steam on it until I finish my rotj first but it's nice to have some stuff already done. I'm looking forward to watching this build. It's to seldom that you see a pp1.
I've been slowly acquiring parts for a pp1 build as well. I cant go full steam on it until I finish my rotj first but it's nice to have some stuff already done. I'm looking forward to watching this build. It's to seldom that you see a pp1.

Exactly why I wanted to build a PP1 , there isn't many out there . It's always a waiting game gathering parts hahaha
Ditched the other buckle in favor of a real one sorted from a member here ! Also ordered braids and pouches and got my hand patches in just need to tweak the color a bit

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