Post pics of your helmet with Borden connector installed!


Well-Known Hunter
Like the title says, this is a "showoff thread" for posting pics of your helmet(s) that you have modified by adding a Borden connector for the cheek greeblie.

ESB or ROTJ - I don't care! Post them all, as long as they have a Borden connector mounted in them! :D

BTW, I searched for other threads, but it looks like most of the pics are now DEAD. :(

So what are you waiting for? Get to posting! ;)

Helmet's not painted yet, but it will be soon. :D
Like many people, I had been using the resin cast piece that came with my helmet. When the Borden connectors were offered here last summer, I bought one (along with quite a few other people). I've decided to finally install mine this week, and would like to see pics from the others that bought Borden connectors and installed them, just for comparison.

And yes, I'll post pics whenever I get mine done! ;)

BTW, the reason I *haven't* installed mine yet is that I have 2 helmets, and only 1 connector (one of the helmets was purchased AFTER the connector was, otherwise I would have bought two of them - one for each helmet). I've had a hard time deciding which helmet to install it in, but have finally made up my mind. :)

So, post those pics! :D
Heres mine. the MSH2 comes with one already molded on. I just drilled out the existing one, and stuck the real borden connecter in hole where the old one used to be. nothin to it:)
Ok, I decided tonight to try it, so I removed the resin piece that came with my MSH. I drilled a small pilot hole in the dead center of that location, then drilled a 3/8" hole following it.

I inserted the connector from the back side and tried on my helmet. Even though the connector didn't touch or rub against my face, I decided to at least cut off the "connector tubes" on the back side of it. This was easily done with a hacksaw.

Repositioning the connector, there was still alot hanging out on the inside of the helmet, so I decided to "shave" it down a bit, again with a hacksaw. This was more precise, though slower, than using a Dremel.

I decided that since I already cut THROUGH the connector, I might as well flip it over (so that it was oriented the "right" way) and see how it looked. I immediately noticed that it had a "brassy" look to it compared to the other (silvery) side. hmmmm....

Anyway, I filed it some to get off the jagged edges, then I "swirled" it on the file to make it look like it had been machined (gave it the same look as the other side).

Here are pics of both sides:

The ORIGINAL "front" side":
borden cut front 1.jpg

After cutting, the opposite side (the "new front side"). Note how the orientation of the holes has changed:
borden cut back 1.jpg

Pics of it installed in my helmet to follow... at some point. ;)
Awesome!! post pics. Yeah, I thought it was kinda cool when I cut through mine too, and noticed that it had the perfect "brassy" look:)

Fetthunter wrote:

I decided that since I already cut THROUGH the connector, I might as well flip it over (so that it was oriented the "right" way) and see how it looked. I immediately noticed that it had a "brassy" look to it compared to the other (silvery) side. hmmmm....

Anyway, I filed it some to get off the jagged edges, then I "swirled" it on the file to make it look like it had been machined (gave it the same look as the other side).

That's what I did too, but I decided to round the edge slightly. :)
OK,I'm finally getting around to ordering mine.This is so awesome to be painting my helmet! It's far more rewarding than I expected.Now I've got to go keep my eyes out for an MQ-1 for that PC board in the keyslots :lol:
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