poop on all the different yellows, 95% finished knees


Active Hunter
well after mixing and mixing and mixing, then spraying and spraying to get the right color on my sintra shoulder bells i couldnt get the color i like and got rather ticked off:angry , so back to a different hobby store that had a better variation of paint. I go my other paint at the local model train shop so i went to one that sells everything.
To go off topic for a second, this project has reminded me of my utter hatred for acrylic paints. my cheap sintra shoulders were one thing but i didnt want to put runs and wrong colors on my MLC knees.
Anyways i searched all the paints and as i scanned through the polly scale paints and found a small bottle of "orange/yellow". after shaking it forever the color kept getting better. i painted the knees up and i am quite happy with the outcome. when i get new shoulders i plan on using this color on the right shoulder and e/l yellow on the right.
here are some pics to see what everyone thinks, i will try to get some other pics outdoors if the sun ever shine again here. my cameras flash has 1 setting (too bright) so these were took while i used my finger to block out some of the flash.
the one on the left is
pretty close to what the color is, to much flash on the right one


  • knee2.jpg
    13.4 KB · Views: 194
  • knee1.jpg
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it was a polly scale color, i think it is a military color
here are the numbers if anyone wants them

#505220 USAAC ORANGE YELLOW (FS 13432)
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