Pics of my belt and arm parts


Active Hunter
Before ComicCon I made a bit more progress toward completing my Zam - I sculpted my interpretation of all of the interesting little things that hang from her belt and the thing on her arm.

unpainted resin casts:

and with my paint job (I regret using a gloss sealer):

We started using a new type of silicon from a company called FX Solutions and I have to say, I've been dumping excess resin in them quite a bit and they still look good! Cris knows the exact name of the silicon - it is a bit tricky to mix in a 10:1 ratio but we haven't had anything not cure yet.

Post here or PM if you have any questions!

:zam Kim
Geez I think my abilitys in scuplting have just be majorly belittled. Damned I wish I could even sculpt half as good as what I am seeing. I have been useing Alumilite for my molds and casting. So far I am working on my moon shaped items tryign to clean them up more before molding. I also have in the works a universal Key. But enough of my stuff and lets get back to the praise on your work.

Ragresen - we have some of the alumilite resin but I haven't actually used it yet. These are made out of stuff we get from FX Solutions - it seems pretty durable.

For the sculpting I used sculpey and bondo. I hate the smell of bondo and am pretty sure I am going to end up with brain cancer but damn! it is easy to work with! I am still in the process of using up my boxes of regular sculpey and then i will switch to that sculpey III or whatever it is called.

:zam Kim

edit - I'll post some pics of how I hung them later this week.

PM's answered - thanks! :)
This is my first attempt at my own parts for my Zam. I sculpted these parts out of plasticine clay using the pictures from the Zam Reference Cd, made a mold of TAPS Silicone, then cast them in resin. The ones on the top are clay, and the ones on the bottom are the resin. I hope to paint them real soon. From the ref. Cd the parts do look like they are a gloss, but that could just be the flash
the placticine clay never drys. It is the same type of clay that animators use for claymation (i.e. Wallace and Gromit, Chicken run).
That's awesome, where do you get it, and, can you get it in larger quantities? I have been gettin sculpey, and the stuff is like close to $15.00 a box. And you only get 16 oz per box.
The only good thing is that you can bake it and it hardens exactly without much reduction in size when baked. Does the platicine clay do the same thing?
So, how does it harden enough to mold and cast? A Kiln? That's too much trouble to ask someone to use. Or, do you have to mold it when it's still pliable? I would be too worried that something might get dented or something.
I've been using this type of clay for the shin guard sculpt (seems like I've been working on forever). I had to put the project on hold but will work on it some more and throw up some pics for critique hopefully within a week. :D
That's pretty funny, so you have to stick zam in the freezer in order to stiffen her up. That is so different from normal clay. Wow! I am learning all sorts of stuff. I used to work in a pottery studio, and that stuff is MUCH different. In order to harden "red art" and "gold art" clay you need a kiln. After glazing and baking, you can eat off of it. Non toxic functional pottery. :)
This other modeling clay seems like an awesome medium to work with. Anybody have any websites for this stuff?
I know Dick blick sells it. I have a bar of the of the #3 type which is a grey green color. They call it Medium Firm. It is definatly stiffer than Sculpy and much easier to work with in my opinion. Though I think I would prefere the hard for trying to do fine detail work. They olny problem is it never hardens and because of that it can get ruined when you make the silcone mold of it.

Ragresen wrote:

They olny problem is it never hardens and because of that it can get ruined when you make the silcone mold of it.

nah- silicone wont ruin it. Now, if you drop it or hit something against it, yes, it'll get a dent... but pouring silicone on it won't ruin it at all.
I have used it for my molds and the silicone pulls off it just fine, but it deforms as I pull it out (the clay, not the mold). But I don't care, cuz now I can reuse the clay for another part. In the end I have a nice mold. I have found the clay at Michaels Art store, comes in varying colors.
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