Pics of me with helmet and blaster

Cutest Sandgirl

Active Hunter

My Blaster (all metal pieces were lathed by my dad and the resin handle was made by kimncris)

Me with the helmet


Ready, Aim.... Fire!


Back of the helmet

btw... it was COLD outside (nice red nose and rosey cheeks ;) ). I figured some shots in natural light would look better than indoors with a flash... No... I couldn't wear a coat... that would cover the Zam sweatshirt! ...the things I do to get a good pic.. ;) :lol:
looking good Kimmy :) Glad it fit ya. Looks like it actually fits you pretty darn good. I was concerned. Now I just have to hope the one I spent a few hours on last night dremeling out - will fit HothGirls noggin. *cough* 'scuse me - i had to cough up another little dust ball... *cough*

ColdÀ Bah - it's -5û here today (w/ a -19û windchill)... so don't talk to me about cold ;)

Dustin Crops Boy wrote:

looking good Kimmy :) Glad it fit ya. Looks like it actually fits you pretty darn good. I was concerned.
We actually have to put some foam pad in places. If I look up or down, the helmet shifts. :)

ColdÀ Bah - it's -5û here today (w/ a -19û windchill)... so don't talk to me about cold ;)
Ahh! It's so cold there he's speaking in tongues! ;) :lol: What's... the 'u' stand for? Celcius or Farenheit? :D
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Lookin good there Kimmy! :D Looks like you're out on patrol for the local homeowners association or something! ;) How's it feel to be wearing some Zam stuff? :D

Gee and I thought 45F was cold! ;) :D

MaulMaus wrote:

How's it feel to be wearing some Zam stuff? :D
Feels awesome! :D We're gonna get cracking on these greeblies now. :)

Gee and I thought 45F was cold! ;) :D
I'd give my right arm ( :lol: ) for 45F right now. It was actually about 32F but the wind was biting!
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Cutest_Sandgirl wrote:

Ahh! It's so cold there he's speaking in tongues! ;) :lol: What's... the 'u' stand for? Celcius or Farenheit? :D

that "U" is spose to be the "degree" circle... but i guess your browser can't read special characters :facepalm

Yup it's NEGATIVE 3 degrees Fahrenheit here :( Just a little more north from me (about an hour) it's neg 13 degrees :(
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