Pics of drilled holes for back armor to collar armor?

Jodo Kast 3

Well-Known Hunter

Its that time to drill tiny holes in my armor, but before I even try something as dangerous as that, I was wondering if anyone had some encouraging words or even better yet, pics of how they did theirs? Yup, I`m going to use Rodann`s collar armor screws to attach my collar armor to my back armor, but still a little gunshy about putting holes in my armor.

Any pics or encouraging words would be greatly appreciated.


I drilled the holes into the backplate and glued (with metal supports) the screws going up and the neck plate slips perfectly onto the screws and the bolts perfectly screw on. As close to the real thing as it gets.

Let me know if you want pics and I can email them to you.

BTW - I used a nut to adjust the size of the screw so that the bolt would rest flushed to the armor.

Good Luck!
I agree with Bob. I glued the screws, going 'up' through the back armor. The neck piece fits right over the screws, secured with Rodann's bolts.

I bought 5/8" screws so the bolts would sit flush.

Here's a pic of my unfinished back piece:

Hope this helps...
I like that idea Batninja!!! I was contemplating on how I wanted to redo mine, now I know... :p

You can even leave them together and slip the whole thing over your head.

Almost...mine's a little tight, so I'll have to put it one one piece at a time. :)

However, I'm contemplating a different design, where the backplate is V-notched to go around the base of the bolt-screws. Therefore, you put the back-plate on (with Velcro), and then position the collar-plate in between the grooves.

From what I've seen from the MoM exhibits, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of space between the 'holes' in the backplate and the edge of the plate itself, putting alot of stress on that section of the plastic. So I thought using the V-notch idea made better sense.

Lynn, if your head fits through without problems, I'd do it! I planned it that way myself, but my noggin's too big.
My head is too big as well. It does feel like you are suiting up in real armor though. Using the screws and such.

Mine looks just like BatNinja's. I took 2 strips of metal, drilled the holes through those as well and glued that to the underside of the backplate, so the screws are gloues to the metal and it is a little more stable than just glueing the screws to the plastic.
Jedi Bob...

Any pics would be great.
Batninja...thanks for the pic.

Thanks to everyone who posted. This makes me feel better before I start putting holes in my suit.

So I got an idea from reading all this.

I'll use bolts right, with washers so I don't need to stress the plastic of the armor too much, put the bolts heads in upside down on my shoulders with the nuts coming out & then I'll paint some velcro strips the color of my armor, glue them in place & then strap the velcro covers over the nut heads. Yesh, that'll work for my custom mando & they'll be easy to take apart, fully functional & look good with brown Timberlands, yeah.
Does it honestly matter how old the thread is if there's new, useful information to add to it? If we're asking people to use the search function to find old, relevant topics than there may be something new to add to an old conversation. Digging up old threads just for the sake of posting in them is pointless but digging up old threads to add a new opinion or a new technique may be useful to some.
Does it honestly matter how old the thread is if there's new, useful information to add to it? If we're asking people to use the search function to find old, relevant topics than there may be something new to add to an old conversation. Digging up old threads just for the sake of posting in them is pointless but digging up old threads to add a new opinion or a new technique may be useful to some.

I've always found this to be a catch 22. I've found tons of great old threads that I'd like "new" information on or that the pictures are gone but never posted to the old thread because I didn't want to bring it back from the dead nor did I post a new thread about it because an old thread on the topic existed.

Keeping "on topic" of the original thread however I also wouldn't mind seeing some pictures, the same pictures that have long since disappeared or new pictures would be great as well.
The way I set mine up is kinda different I think.

I used a single screw to attach the Cape Side, this is kind-a a pernament screw (I can undo it, but eh...)

I then used Velcro under the other side, and half the first side. When putting on the Armor, I (and by I, I mean my Handler) can just Set on the Backplate, and swing the collar around to attach by velcro (like it was on a hinge).

I'll see if I have Pictures.
2 of my studs are screws, the other 2 are glued down.

the 2 closest to my neck are decorative, held on with a dot of goop. the outer 2 screw down. i have the screws coming up from inside, glued into place. pop the armor on, screw on the studs and i'm bolted in nicely.

But not really...I figured it make sense to post in an old thread that's already talking about the subject I was looking for than to read all that I needed to know about it here & then be quiet or worse, post a new thread.

What I'm not sure on is if I should've started something new in the "Dented Varients" forums since I'm trying to make a Mandalorian, but neither a Jango or Boba. It's why I'd add the velcro on top, to expand on the original concept.
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