Paintball Armor Update with pics


Well-Known Hunter
Okay everyone. I finnally made it to phase 3, well I dunno, near completion. I feel I surprised myself with how it came out, being I used a Dremel for the first time, and also, this being my first fett armor ever. I thank wizardofflight again for some outstanding templates. I did not do the backplate, only because right now, the extra bucket material I didnt use, is not sufficient to make the back plate, so it may become a side project for right now. I guess the last part of this is to attatch it to a vest of some kind. Since its going to be for paintball, I would beend something with some padding, or thickness. Also, once that is figured out, I need to figure how to secure it to the vest. Any suggestions or comments are apprecieated. Thanks.

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If you are going to use it for paintball why do you need a backplate? Are you planning to get shot in the back?

Are you going to let the enemy out flank you?
Are you going to run away from the enemy?

Doesn't sound very much like a mandalorian to me... ;)

Considering that you'll be running around, duckin'n'diving i think that some sort of snapsystem would be the way to go for you. I don't think that glueing velcro or buttons on it is going to make it. I would go with some sort of strap system.

And i doubt you'll need padding. The only padding i have when i play paintball are is my camo suit. (Sometimes i even just play with a t-shirt.) The plastic will take the punch out of the hit.
Ah, s if it not very mandalorian to have a backplate, then why do mandalorians have a back plate? huh? lol.

I know I cant use belcro or glue, I just need to gigure out how to do it. I would try button snaps, but Im afraid of it flying off when hit. i just need to come up with a good securing system. I thought about something like attaching like those straps you have on bike helmets with those clips, to the armorpieces, and run them throught the vest material and be like a snap buckling system. Right now, I really just need to find a good vest I could use.

obi-2-kenobi said:
are you going to make a whole costume like that, that would be cool eg. helmet, no jet pack obviously, gauntlets, i think that would be awesome.

Yea, Ive thought about that kinda thing. Bust just for now, I will just be using the chest armor/shoulder bells. No backplate though. Not exactly ready for the helm yet lol, using my standard black paintball mask. lmao, can't yet go to a pro-field lik that though unless your A pro:lol:

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