Well-Known Hunter
I am not the seller, I am not either promoting the sale (which somehow I've seen those pics couple of years ago).....but, does anyone knows what's the actual origin of this helmet?
The seller says got it on Ebay couple a while ago....and somehow I feel like DEJAVU, cause I have the feeling I've seen this first pics before, two years ago while I was in Afghanistan...probably same maker, different helmet :rolleyes :confused , before I've invested on a painted MS2 (painted by SpideyFett ).
Any leads? Maker? Origin? Possible MLC helmet? Please post here. (once again, sorry if this topic doesn't belong here, or if I broke any TDH rules (I hope not, since this is my "SECOND HOME")....but I want to know the truth origins about this helmet....BADLY!!!
The seller says got it on Ebay couple a while ago....and somehow I feel like DEJAVU, cause I have the feeling I've seen this first pics before, two years ago while I was in Afghanistan...probably same maker, different helmet :rolleyes :confused , before I've invested on a painted MS2 (painted by SpideyFett ).
Any leads? Maker? Origin? Possible MLC helmet? Please post here. (once again, sorry if this topic doesn't belong here, or if I broke any TDH rules (I hope not, since this is my "SECOND HOME")....but I want to know the truth origins about this helmet....BADLY!!!
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