Ok..for my 1st buskit....you tell me!

Gonzo Fett

Active Hunter
Ok it was like xmas morning today at work. I got my which I had purchased on ebay, and my BF leather belt. First the belt I was amazed. I LOVE THIS BELT! I was wearing it around the office unitl one of my dads receptionist told me to take it off that I looked like a fool! Ah..what does she know. Later my Helmet came. Since I had only paid 375 for it and not 1300 ;) I knew it wasn't going to be an jaw-dropping helmet. No "hallelujahs" or trumpets blared when I opened the box. It still gave me the chills to have a Boba Fett helm in my hands.

Then later came, and the :thumbsup: wore off. I started to exaime the helmet. I know there are alot of things I need to change on it. Visor, putting some inside padding, touching up some pant work. Re doing the hand drawn decals. But something caught my eye, and I dont' like it. It seems (when looking at the helm) the right side (eye view) Is not aligned to the left. Do you see it? I mean is it obvious? Now I am even wondering if this is cast from a Mystery HELM or a cast from a recast..or perhaps this happened in the process of making the helm. I will contact the seller, but (in my best George McFly impersonation "I just not good at confrontations...." I figure he would just tell me to resell it on ebay.
I am not sure what to do now :confused ....I had just talked in my parents friend who is a electical engineer who agreed to help me out with my helm, and suit. He was going to hollow out the stock on the RF and do some nice remote control, and light modfications to it. But now seeing this should I? Should I resell it on ebay? Or can this be fixed? Someone told me that I could sand down the rightside to match the left, but I dont' want something worse happening. Well any thoughts would be appreciated


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can you post a bigger photo of the straight on the front view? i see what you mean (i think), but a bigger one would be easier.

it doesn't jump out at me as being terrible, so i wouldn't go throwing it in the trash or anything ;)

my current helmet is a "starter bucket" too - it's not up to the 1300 standards, but it still looks good!

the belt is really nice. i've seen it in person numerous times, and would have bought it myself if not for the fact that i'm getting one made by my friend ashton in exchange for dragoncon hotel costs :)
Okie dokie this should be better. I know it isn't that bad.. but I dont' want the 'other' fetts at the CONS whispering about my helmet :lol:

i'm not expert, but i don't think it looks bad at all...

here are my 2 helmets to compare:


(don't mind the one on the left - it was in mid-paint!)

and i suspect the other fetts will make fun of us noobs whatever we do ;)
Thanks TK7602!

I just came back form your site...nice! Love the photos.

Well I figure like everyone Fetts they are a work in progress. Everyone always seems to be upgrading. I know one day I will want a ROTJ Fett, but I think ESB is an easy start. I will be getting a jet pack, not building it, but painting it myself so that should be a cool experience. Currently I am practicing with an airbrush gun.

Well thanks for the comments. I looks forward to see you around here

Hey Danielle, glad you like the belt! You got that pretty fast huh? :)

That belt is a beauty but I just HAD to get one of Batninja's vinyl belts. I know, I sold a leather belt to buy a vinyl one... Heh... I guess the accuracy bug bit me again! :lol: Toby did a great job on that belt, I'm sure you'll enjoy it for a long time. Served me well for 2 years.

As for your bucket, its not "screen accurate" by any means but it looks great to me for a first helmet. If you're anything like most of us here you'll upgrade a million times anyway! :lol:
Gonzo Fett said:
I will be getting a jet pack, not building it, but painting it myself so that should be a cool experience. Currently I am practicing with an airbrush gun.

i know that my boba will get better over time. the way i'm looking at it is that i want to get something that looks nice that i can wear at events, and as time and money permit i'll upgrade the little things (or not so little!)
Gonzo Fett said:
Then later came, and the :thumbsup: wore off. I started to exaime the helmet. I know there are alot of things I need to change on it. Visor, putting some inside padding, touching up some pant work. Re doing the hand drawn decals. But something caught my eye, and I dont' like it. It seems (when looking at the helm) the right side (eye view) Is not aligned to the left. Do you see it? I mean is it obvious? Now I am even wondering if this is cast from a Mystery HELM or a cast from a recast..or perhaps this happened in the process of making the helm. I will contact the seller, but (in my best George McFly impersonation "I just not good at confrontations...." I figure he would just tell me to resell it on ebay.
I am not sure what to do now :confused ....I had just talked in my parents friend who is a electical engineer who agreed to help me out with my helm, and suit. He was going to hollow out the stock on the RF and do some nice remote control, and light modfications to it. But now seeing this should I? Should I resell it on ebay? Or can this be fixed? Someone told me that I could sand down the rightside to match the left, but I dont' want something worse happening. Well any thoughts would be appreciated


If you were to compare your helmet to other mystery helmets you will find that the off-set mandibles is a characteristic found in ALL mystery helmets. I don't think you have an argument with the seller at all. You should compare your helmet to a screen used bucket and you will find that the movie helmet was also warped in this fashion.

Ah...thank you marrow sun!
I been waiting for my Boba Fett reference CD to come in. I was looking at still shots from ESB,but couldn't get a clear view. At least now I know it is a Mystery Helm as to what number it is in a copy recast line I will never know. So I will stay with this one, and give it some TLC!. Thanks for all your wisdom guys! Much appreciated.
:) it looks good dude!!

only thing you could do is repaint... but only to make it more your own work... it looks great! :)
oh yes I am going to re paint it later. It has brush lines in the paint, and back in my day as a model builder I hated that. Always had paint thinner by my side. I ordered the Fett reference CD last week....when does it usually get here? (I ordered it from the link on the hompage of TDH)
paint them ears silver, add red kill stripes, change the colors and go Jedi. I am kidding. I see nothing wrong with the paint jopb you have. It looks better than a LOT I have seen.
alright folks DAMN YOU ALL!! :lol:
I had gotten this helmet as an impluse buy from a seller on Ebay. Well now after joining TDH and seeing these little art masterpieces done on some buckets I decided to get to know Boba as well as you all have and buy a MS (if I am lucky) or MLC Helm and paint it myself. I think it will be fun and hell of hard task! But those are usually the ones in the end that are the most rewarding (as long as it doesn't come out looking like complete crap!)

So I put the one I just got back up on ebay. I am sure most of you have already seen it. The reserve is what I had orginally paid for it 375.00. The seller sold it to me outside of ebay so I wouldnt' get caught up in a bidding war (nice guy)

I am really excited about painting my own helmet. So wish me luck! :)

here is the link to the auction if anyone is interested in it.

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i know the the feeling! i'm *almost* ready to wear my first helmet for the first time, and i've already started painting my second!

it's a lot of fun though. i think it's worth it. and the liquid masking stuff rocks!
Yes! I can't wait! I am clearing out a spot in my garage for my 'work area'
I am trying to 'master' the ways of the airbrush gun.

This is a great hobby! Glad it was either this or badminton :p
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