True about the rectangular butt on the Fett blaster.I have the oval version with the Fett tip on it.Unfortunately there wouldn't be a way to square off the version I have.It has me thinking that it may have not been the same model gun.A major peice of the gun being so different is the basis for my theory.After seeing so many different Nemrod spearguns,and how similar some looked to the Bespin version eventhough it may have been on say,a 24-36 inch speargun,...having used a different one for the Fett isn't too far fetched.
mesaback,..I'll email you a pic of my Fett blaster.
Hey folks,
What have my predecessors used to holster their ESB sidearms?
I want to have one simply to add to the overall weight/complexity of the suit. I always like to have lots of things going on. Makes you look and feel important
I think I'm going to use an old nintendo zapper I've grabbed at work for the base, it's got a roughly squared butt and since the thing will stay in the holster I'm not too concerned about the body. Just get some generic tip and wala!
It's supposed to be a good reference actually for doing an ESB Fett.If you could,when you get him,would you post a picture of the left gauntlet up REAL close.I'm trying to nail the 3 rods on the left gauntlet,and how they go together.It might be able to help unravel some mysteries.
Holster appears to be originally made from a Nemrod speargun holster. Some people are on the hunt for the correct speargun model currently, which would lead us to the holster as well. This isn't 100% fact but speculation at this point.
Well, I don't know how accurate you want it to be, but you've seen what my new one looks like in my other thread. Basically I loosly based it on the Nemrod spear gun holster that is posted in another thread around here. I think Maxplauge had posted some pics of it as well. In a nut shell, I just traced around my MLC blaster, adding about 1" on to cardboard. transfered the pattern to vinyle, & cut out the pieces. sewed them together etc. I'm still trying to get a short tutorial up about how I did it w/ pics, but I will have to build a 3rd holster since I was an idiot & didn't take progress pics of my 2nd one. Hopefully I'll be able to offer you more help soon,
I got my holster off e-bay. It required a little bit of trimming to look/fit right, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I also gave it a coat of dye, but it had a topcoat on it, and I had a hard time getting it to stick. In the end, I just scratched off the coat in places, so although it doesn't show up in the pic, the dye took more on those spots and made it look a bit more ratty.
The blaster is a modified Monteverdi video game gun. I especially liked the "kill stripes" on the side and left them black.